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Showing 23626 - 23660 of 24087 results. Page: 676 of 689

Browse all Shakespearean girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
23626 Woodville Shakespearean 'Henry VI, Part 1' Lieutenant of the Tower. M
23627 Woodward English Forester. M
23628 Woody English Diminutive of Woodrow: Row of houses in a wood. From the cottages in the wood. M
23629 Woolcott English Lives in Wolfe's cottage. M
23630 Woolsey English Victorious wolf. M
23631 Worcester English From the alder forest army camp. M
23632 Worcester Shakespearean 'King Henry IV, Part 1' Thomas Percy, Earl of Worcester. M
23633 Worden English Defender or guard. M
23634 Wordsworth English World guardian. M
23635 Worrell English From the true man's manor. M
23636 Worth English From the farm. M
23637 Worthington Anglo-Saxon From the river's side. M
23638 Worton English From the vegetable farm. M

23639 Woudman Dutch Forester. M
23640 Wouter Teutonic Strong fighter. M
23641 Wray Norse From the corner property. M
23642 Wregan Anglo-Saxon Accuses. M
23643 Wren Welsh Ruler. M
23644 Wright Anglo-Saxon Tradesman. M
23645 Wright English Craftsman. M
23646 Wryhta English Craftsman. M
23647 Wselfwulf Anglo-Saxon Wolf of slaughter. M
23648 Wudoweard English Forester. M
23649 Wuhur Teutonic Protecting army. M
23650 Wulf Anglo-Saxon Wolf. M
23651 Wulf English Wolf. M
23652 Wulfcot English Lives in Wolfe's cottage. M
23653 Wulffrith English Wolf of peace. M
23654 Wulfgar Anglo-Saxon Wolf spear. M
23655 Wulfgar English Wolf spear. M
23656 Wulfhere Anglo-Saxon Name of a king. M
23657 Wulfsige English Victorious wolf. M
23658 Wulfweardsweorth English World guardian. M
23659 Wurt Anglo-Saxon Worthy. M
23660 Wuyi NativeAmerican Soaring turkey vulture (Miwok). M