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African African-American Anglo-Saxon Arabic Aramaic Armenian ArthurianLegend Asian Assyrian Australian Basque Bavarian Biblical Cambodian Celtic Chinese Contemporary Cornish Czech Czechoslovakian Danish Dutch Egyptian English Farsi Finnish Flemish French Gaelic German Greek Gypsy Hawaiian Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indian Irish Israeli Italian Japanese Korean Latin Lithuanian Maori Muslim NativeAmerican Norse Persian Phoenician Polish Polynesian Portuguese Roman Rumanian Russian Sanskrit Scandinavian Scottish Shakespearean Singhalese Slavic Spanish Swedish Swiss Syrian Teutonic Thai Turkish Ukrainian Unknown Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish
Showing 1226 - 1260 of 1306 results. Page: 36 of 38

Browse all Biblical girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1226 Timnath-heres Biblical Image of the sun, numbering of the rest. F
1227 Timnath-serah Biblical Image of the sun, numbering of the rest. F
1228 Timon Biblical Honorable, worthy. F
1229 Tiphsah Biblical Passage, leap, step, the passover. F
1230 Tirhakah Biblical Inquirer, examiner, dull observer. F
1231 Tirzah Biblical Benevolent, complaisant, pleasing. F
1232 Tishbite Biblical That makes captive. F
1233 Toah Biblical Weapon, dart. F
1234 Tob Biblical Good, goodness. F
1235 Tochen Biblical Middle. F
1236 Tohu Biblical That lives, that declares. F
1237 Toi Biblical Who wanders. F
1238 Tolad Biblical A generation. F

1239 Tophel Biblical Ruin, folly, without understanding. F
1240 Tophet Biblical A drum, betraying. F
1241 Trachonitis Biblical Stony. F
1242 Troas Biblical Penetrated. F
1243 Trophimus Biblical Well educated, well brought up. F
1244 Tryphena Biblical Delicious, delicate. F
1245 Tryphon Biblical Masculine of Tryphena. F
1246 Tryphosa Biblical Thrice shining. F
1247 Tubal-cain Biblical Worldly possession, possessed of confusion. F
1248 Tychicus Biblical Casual, by chance. F
1249 Ulai Biblical Strength, fool, senseless. F
1250 Ulla Biblical Elevation, leaf, young child. F
1251 Ummah Biblical Darkened; covered; his people. F
1252 Unni Biblical Poor, afflicted, that answers. F
1253 Upharsin Biblical Divided. F
1254 Uphaz Biblical Pure gold, gold of Phasis or Pison. F
1255 Urbane Biblical Courteous. F
1256 Uri Biblical My light, my fire. F
1257 Urim Biblical Lights, fires. F
1258 Uzzen-sherah Biblical Ear of the flesh. F
1259 Uzzi Biblical My strength, my kid. F
1260 Vashni Biblical The second, changed, a tooth. F