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Browse all English girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
106 Anissa English Variant of Anne or Agnes. F
107 Anita English Variant of Ann: A variant of Hannah introduced to Britain in the 13th century, made popular in the 14th century by the cult of St Anne. The form of the name varies with fashion:. F
108 Anjanette English Gift of God's favor. Blend of Ann and Janet. F
109 Anjanique English Gift of God's favor. Blend of Ann and Janet. F
110 Anjeanette English Gift of God's favor. Blend of Ann and Janet. F
111 Ann English A variant of Hannah introduced to Britain in the 13th century, made popular in the 14th century by the cult of St Anne. The form of the name varies with fashion:. F
112 Anna English Variant of Anne, meaning favor; grace. F
113 Annabel English Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's poem Annahel Lee' made the form Annabel popular throughout the English-speaking world in the 19th century. The form Annabelle became popular in the mid-2Oth century. F
114 Annabella English Variant of Annabel: Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's poem Annahel Lee' made the form Annabel popular throughout the English-speaking world in the 19th century. The form Annabelle became popular in the mid-2Oth century. F
115 Annabelle English Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's poem Annahel Lee' made the form Annabel popular throughout the English-speaking world in the 19th century. The form Annabelle became popular in the mid-2Oth century. F
116 Annabeth English Variant of Anne, meaning favor; grace. F
117 Annalee English Variant of Anne, meaning favor; grace. F
118 Annamarie English Variant of Anne, meaning favor; grace. F

119 Anne English Variant of Hebrew Hannah: Favor. Grace. F
120 Annette English Variant of Ann: A variant of Hannah introduced to Britain in the 13th century, made popular in the 14th century by the cult of St Anne. The form of the name varies with fashion:. F
121 Annice English Variant of Anne or Agnes. F
122 Annie English Diminutive of Ann frequently used as an independent name. Famous bearers: Markswoman Annie Oakley, famous in the musical Annie Get Your Gun'; cartoonist Harold Gray's 'Little Orphan Annie'; the traditional folk song Annie Laurie'. F
123 Annika English Variant of Ann: A variant of Hannah introduced to Britain in the 13th century, made popular in the 14th century by the cult of St Anne. The form of the name varies with fashion:. F
124 Annis English Variant of Anne or Agnes. F
125 Annissa English Variant of Anne or Agnes. F
126 Annjeanette English Gift of God's favor. Blend of Ann and Janet. F
127 Annora English One of the most common forms of the name Honor in the Middle Ages. F
128 Anora English Light. F
129 Anouska English Variant of Ann: A variant of Hannah introduced to Britain in the 13th century, made popular in the 14th century by the cult of St Anne. The form of the name varies with fashion:. F
130 Anselma English Feminine form of Anseim: Introduced from Germany by 11th century St Anselm, who became Archbishop of Canterbury. F
131 Antoinette English Feminine form of Anthony: Highly praiseworthy. From a Roman clan name. In the 17th century, the spelling Anthony was associated with the Greek anthos meaning flower. F
132 Antonia English Feminine form of Anthony: Highly praiseworthy. From a Roman clan name. In the 17th century, the spelling Anthony was associated with the Greek anthos meaning flower. F
133 Antonina English Feminine form of Anthony: Highly praiseworthy. From a Roman clan name. In the 17th century, the spelling Anthony was associated with the Greek anthos meaning flower. F
134 Anya English Variant of Anna. British novelist Anya Seton. F
135 Anyssa English Variant of Anne or Agnes. F
136 April English Opening buds of spring; born in April. F
137 Aprille English The month April; symbolizes spring. F
138 Apryl English The month April; symbolizes spring. F
139 Apryll English The month April; symbolizes spring. F
140 Aquanetta English Contemporary created name. Aqua is the blue-green sea color. F