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Browse all English girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
386 Armstrang English Strong armed. M
387 Armstrong English One with a strong arm. M
388 Arnatt English Little eagle. M
389 Arnaud English Variant of Arnold: Derived from an old German name meaning eagle power. The eagle rules. Introduced into Britain during the Norman Conquest, and used for a number of English surnames. Famous bearer: British poet and critic Matthew Arnold. M
390 Arndell English From the eagle's dell. M
391 Arnelle English Modern variant of Amold. F
392 Arnet English Little eagle. M
393 Arnett English Little eagle. M
394 Arnold English Derived from an old German name meaning eagle power. The eagle rules. Introduced into Britain during the Norman Conquest, and used for a number of English surnames. Famous bearer: British poet and critic Matthew Arnold. M
395 Arnott English Little eagle. M
396 Arrick English Variant of Aric 'rule with mercy.'. M
397 Art English Diminutive of Arthur: From the Roman clan name Artorius, meaning noble, courageous. Famous bearer: Legendary sixth century King Arthur of Britain and his Round Table of knights. This legend dates to the early 9th century. M
398 Arthur English From the Roman clan name Artorius, meaning noble, courageous. Famous bearer: Legendary sixth century King Arthur of Britain and his Round Table of knights. This legend dates to the early 9th century. M

399 Arthuretta English Feminine form of Arthur: From the Roman clan name Artorius, meaning noble, courageous. Famous bearer: Legendary sixth century King Arthur of Britain and his Round Table of knights. This legend dates to the early 9th century. F
400 Arthurina English Feminine form of Arthur: From the Roman clan name Artorius, meaning noble, courageous. Famous bearer: Legendary sixth century King Arthur of Britain and his Round Table of knights. This legend dates to the early 9th century. F
401 Arthurine English Feminine form of Arthur: From the Roman clan name Artorius, meaning noble, courageous. F
402 Artie English Diminutive of Arthur: From the Roman clan name Artorius, meaning noble, courageous. Famous bearer: Legendary sixth century King Arthur of Britain and his Round Table of knights. This legend dates to the early 9th century. M
403 Arty English Diminutive of Arthur: From the Roman clan name Artorius, meaning noble, courageous. Famous bearer: Legendary sixth century King Arthur of Britain and his Round Table of knights. This legend dates to the early 9th century. M
404 Arundel English From the eagle's dell. M
405 Arvie English The people's friend. M
406 Arvin English The people's friend. M
407 Arvis English The people's friend. M
408 Arvon English The people's friend. M
409 Arwin English The people's friend. M
410 Arwood English From the fir forest. M
411 Arwyn English The people's friend. M
412 Ascot English Lives at the east cottage. M
413 Ascott English Lives at the east cottage. M
414 Ash English Ash tree. M
415 Ashbey English Variant of Ashby: Ash tree farm. M
416 Ashbie English Variant of Ashby: Ash tree farm. M
417 Ashburn English Lives near the ash tree brook. M
418 Ashby English From the ash tree farm. M
419 Ashenford English Variant of Ashford: River ford near ash trees. M
420 Ashford English Lives by the ash tree ford. M