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Showing 6231 - 6265 of 6705 results. Page: 179 of 192

Browse all English girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
6231 Trowbrydge English From the tree bridge. M
6232 Trowhridge English From the tree bridge. M
6233 Troy English Troy derives from the ancient Greek city of Troy; also from an Irish surname meaning 'soldier.'. M
6234 Troye English Troy derives from the ancient Greek city of Troy; also from an Irish surname meaning 'soldier.'. M
6235 True English Loyal. M
6236 Truesdale English From the beloved one's farm. M
6237 Truesdell English From the beloved one's farm. M
6238 Truitestall English From the beloved one's farm. M
6239 Truman English Loyal. M
6240 Trumbald English Strong or bold. M
6241 Trumble English Strong or bold. M
6242 Trumen English Loyal. M
6243 Trumhall English Strong or bold. M

6244 Tryp English Traveler. M
6245 Trypp English Traveler. M
6246 Tucker English Tucker of doth. M
6247 Tuckere English Tucker of doth. M
6248 Tuesday English Born on Tuesday. F
6249 Tunleah English From the town meadow. M
6250 Tupper English Ram herder. M
6251 Tuppere English Ram herder. M
6252 Turner English Lathe worker. M
6253 Twain English Cut in two. M
6254 Twein English Cut in two. M
6255 Twiford English From the double river ford. M
6256 Twitchel English Lives on a narrow passage. M
6257 Twitchell English Lives on a narrow passage. M
6258 Twyford English From the double river ford. M
6259 Twyla English Woven. F
6260 Ty English Abbreviation for names beginning with 'Ty-.'. M
6261 Tyce English Fiery. M
6262 Tye English From the enclosure. M
6263 Tyeson English Fiery. M
6264 Tyesone English Son of Tye. M
6265 Tyfiell English Derivative of the Scandinavian god of battle 'Tyr.' Tuesday was named for Tyr. M