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Showing 6441 - 6475 of 6705 results. Page: 185 of 192

Browse all English girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
6441 Wayte English Guard. M
6442 Wealaworth English From the Welshman's farm or Welsh friend. M
6443 Weallcot English Lives in the Welshman's cottage. M
6444 Weallere English Mason. M
6445 Weard English Guard. M
6446 Weardhyll English From the guardian's hill. M
6447 Weardleah English From the guardian's meadow. M
6448 Weatherby English From the wether sheep farm. M
6449 Weatherly English From the wether sheep meadow. M
6450 Webb English Weaver. M
6451 Webbe English Weaver. M
6452 Webbeleah English From the weaver's meadow. M
6453 Webbestre English Weaver. M

6454 Webley English From the weaver's meadow. M
6455 Webster English Weaver: '-ster' ending on English occupational surnames indicates the work was originally a female occupation. M
6456 Weddell English From the advancer's hill. M
6457 Wegland English From the land by the highway. M
6458 Weifield English From the field by the weir. M
6459 Weiford English From the farm by the weir. M
6460 Weirley English From the weir meadow. M
6461 Welborn English From the spring brook. M
6462 Welborne English From the spring brook. M
6463 Welburn English From the spring brook. M
6464 Welby English From the spring farm. M
6465 Welch English From Wales. M
6466 Welcome English Welcomed. F
6467 Weldon English From the spring hill. M
6468 Welford English From the spring by the ford. M
6469 Welles English Lives by the spring. M
6470 Wellington English From the wealthy estate. M
6471 Wells English Lives by the spring. M
6472 Welsh English From Wales. M
6473 Welsie English From the west. F
6474 Welss English From the west. F
6475 Welton English From the spring farm. M