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Showing 6546 - 6580 of 6705 results. Page: 188 of 192

Browse all English girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
6546 Wilburt English Willful; bright. M
6547 Wildon English From the wooded hill. M
6548 Wiley English Well-watered meadow. M
6549 Wilf English Diminutive of Wilfred: Peace/will. M
6550 Wilford English From the willow ford 'Desires peace.'. M
6551 Wilfred English Peace. M
6552 Wilfreda English Feminine form of Wilfred: Peace, will. F
6553 Wilfredo English Desires peace. M
6554 Wilfrid English Peace. M
6555 Wilfrida English Feminine form of Wilfred: Peace, will. F
6556 Wilfryd English Peace. M
6557 Will English Diminutive of William 'Resolute protector; will.'. M
6558 Willa English Resolute. F

6559 Willa English Resolute. M
6560 Willaburh English From the strong fortress. M
6561 Willard English Resolute or brave. M
6562 Willesone English Son of William. M
6563 Willhard English Resolute or brave. M
6564 William English Resolute protector; will. For a long time after the Norman conquest in A.D. 1066 many English boys were given some form of William the Conquer's name. The firstborn son of Prince Charles is named William. M
6565 Williams English Son of William. M
6566 Williamson English Son of William. M
6567 Willie English Resolute; will. Abbreviation of names beginning with Will-. M
6568 Willis English Resolute protector; will. Surname. M
6569 Willoughby English From the willow farm. M
6570 Willow English Slender;graceful. From the willow tree noted for slender graceful branches and leaves. F
6571 Willy English Diminutive of William or any names begining with 'Will-' ; 'Resolute protector; will.'. M
6572 Wilma English Diminutive form of Wilhelmina, a feminine variant of William. F
6573 Wilmer English Resolute; famous. M
6574 Wilson English Son of Will. Surname. M
6575 Wilton English From the farm by the spring. M
6576 Win English Friend. M
6577 Wincel English From the bend in the road. M
6578 Windell English Traveler; wanderer. M
6579 Windgate English From the winding gate. M
6580 Windham English From the windy viIlage. M