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Showing 316 - 350 of 1994 results. Page: 10 of 57

Browse all French girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
316 Burdette French Surname used as a given name. M
317 Burel French Reddish brown haired. M
318 Burk French Variant of Burke: Lives in a fortress. M
319 Burke French Lives in a fortress. M
320 Burkett French From the little stronghold. M
321 Burnel French Variant of Burnell: Little brown child. M
322 Burnell French Reddish brown haired. M
323 Burrell French Reddish. M
324 Byron French From the cottage. M
325 Cadence French Rhythmic. F
326 Cadencia French Rhythmic. F
327 Caine French Place name unrelated to the Biblical Cain. M
328 Caitlin French Variant of Catherine: Pure, clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina. It was borne by a number of saints, including St Catherine of Alexandria, a 4th century martyr who suffered torture on a spiked wheel. F

329 Calandre French Lark. F
330 Calantha French Beautiful flower. F
331 Calanthe French Beautiful flower. F
332 Camila French Free-born; noble. Variant of Camilla. F
333 Camile French Free-born; noble. Variant of Camilla. F
334 Camilla French Free-born; noble. Variant of Camilla. F
335 Camille French The French form of Camilla or Camillus. Famous bearer: The famous 1936 Greta Garbo film 'Camille'. F
336 Camille French The French form of Camilla or Camillus. Although Camille is used as both a girl's and boy's name in France, outside France it is not used as a masculine name. Famous bearer: the famous 1936 Greta Garbo film 'Camille'. M
337 Camillei French Free-born; noble. Variant of Camilla. F
338 Cammi French Free-born; noble. Variant of Camilla who was the swift-running warrior maid in Virgil's Aeneid'. F
339 Campbell French From the beautiful field. M
340 Candide French Bright; glowing white. Also sweet. F
341 Cannan French Variant of Cannon: Church official. M
342 Canning French Variant of Cannon: Church official. M
343 Cannon French Church official. M
344 Canon French Variant of Cannon: Church official. M
345 Capucina French Cape. F
346 Capucine French Cape. F
347 Carel French Strong. M
348 Caress French Tender touch. F
349 Caressa French Tender touch. F
350 Caresse French Endearing; Tender touch. F