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Showing 491 - 525 of 1994 results. Page: 15 of 57

Browse all French girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
491 Clarisse French Bright; shining and gentle; famous. F
492 Clarita French Bright. F
493 Claud French From the Roman clan name Claudius, derived from the latin meaning lame. F: Claudette, Claudia, Claudine. M
494 Claude French From the Roman clan name Claudius, derived from the latin meaning lame. F: Claudette, Claudia, Claudine. M
495 Claudette French A feminine form of Claud, a variant of the Latin Claudium meaning lame. Famous bearer: French-born American actress Claudette Colbert. F
496 Claudia French A feminine form of Claud, a variant of the Latin Claudium meaning lame. Claudia was mentioned in the book of Timothy in the New Testament. F
497 Claudine French A feminine form of Claud, a variant of the Latin Claudius meaning lame. Famous bearer: Claudine was the heroine of a series of novels by 20th-century French author Colette. Lame. F
498 Clemence French Clemency; mercy. Clemence was the mythological Roman goddess of pity. F
499 Clementina French Variant of Clemence meaning clemency, mercy. F
500 Clementine French Variant of Clemence meaning clemency, mercy. F
501 Clovis French Name of a king. M
502 Coco French A pet name. F
503 Colan French Abbreviation of Nicholas 'people's victory.'. M

504 Colbert French Dark; dark-haired. M
505 Colbey French Dark; dark-haired. M
506 Coletta French Victorious. Variant of Nicolette. F
507 Colette French Necklace. Victorious. A Middle Ages feminine form of Nicholas which was originally a diminutive of Nicolette. Famous bearers - 15th Century French nun St Colette, and 20th century French writer Colette. F
508 Colin French A variant of Nicholas, which means 'people's victory', from a French diminutive. M
509 Colletta French Victorious. Variant of Nicolette. F
510 Collette French Necklace. Victorious. Variant of Nicolette. F
511 Collin French Abbreviation of Nicholas 'people's victory.'. M
512 Collins French Abbreviation of Nicholas 'people's victory.'. M
513 Colvile French Variant of Colville: Place name in France. M
514 Colvill French Variant of Colville: Place name in France. M
515 Colville French Place name in France. M
516 Colyn French Abbreviation of Nicholas 'people's victory.'. M
517 Comfort French Strength. F
518 Comforte French Strength. F
519 Constance French Constancy; steadfastness. . F
520 Constancia French Constancy; steadfastness. . F
521 Coralie French Coral. F
522 Corben French Raven-haired. M
523 Corbett French Raven. M
524 Corbin French Raven-haired. M
525 Corby French Raven-haired. M