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Showing 176 - 210 of 1994 results. Page: 6 of 57

Browse all French girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
176 Auhert French Noble. M
177 Aundray French Variant of Andre: Masculine; manly; brave. M
178 Auriville French From the gold town. M
179 Aurore French French form of the Latin Aurora, Roman Goddess of the dawn. F
180 Austen French Variant of Augustine. M
181 Austin French Variant of Augustine. M
182 Austina French Variant of Augustine. F
183 Austine French Variant of Augustine. F
184 Austyn French Variant of Augustine. M
185 Avelaine French Nut. F
186 Aveline French Nut. F
187 Avenall French Lives near the oatfield. M
188 Aveneil French Lives near the oatfield. M

189 Aveneill French Variant of Avenall: Pasture of oats. M
190 Avenel French Variant of Avenall: Pasture of oats. M
191 Avenell French Variant of Avenall: Pasture of oats. M
192 Avenelle French Lives near the oatfield. M
193 Avenil French Variant of Avenall: Pasture of oats. M
194 Avenill French Variant of Avenall: Pasture of oats. M
195 Avent French Born during Advent. M
196 Avery French Rules with elf-wisdom. M
197 Avice French Warlike. F
198 Avril French April. F
199 Azura French Sky-blue. F
200 Azure French Sky-blue. F
201 Azurine French Sky-blue. F
202 Babette French A French diminutive of Elizabeth, a Hewbrew name meaning 'My God is plentiful', now frequently used as an independent name. F
203 Bailee French Courtyard within castle walls; steward or public official. Surname or given name. F
204 Bailey French Courtyard within castle walls; steward or public official. Surname or given name. F
205 Bailey French Steward or public official; man in charge. M
206 Baron French A title of nobility used as a given name. M
207 Barrie French Lives at the barrier. M
208 Barry French Lives at the barrier. M
209 Bartlett French Ploughman. M
210 Bay French Variant of Bayard 'auburn-haired.'. M