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Showing 246 - 280 of 1994 results. Page: 8 of 57

Browse all French girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
246 Bernadine French Feminine of Bernard, meaning strong as a bear, or bear hard. F
247 Bernarda French Feminine of Bernard, meaning strong as a bear, or bear hard. F
248 Berneen French Feminine of Bernard, meaning strong as a bear, or bear hard. F
249 Bernelle French Feminine of Bernard, meaning strong as a bear, or bear hard. F
250 Bernetta French Feminine of Bernard, meaning strong as a bear, or bear hard. F
251 Bernette French Feminine of Bernard, meaning strong as a bear, or bear hard. F
252 Bernice French One who brings victory. Variant of Berenice. F
253 Berniss French One who brings victory. Variant of Berenice. F
254 Bernita French Feminine of Bernard, meaning strong as a bear, or bear hard. F
255 Bernyce French One who brings victory. Variant of Berenice. F
256 Bert French Diminutive of Bertrand: Intelligent; Glorious raven. French form of the German Bertram, meaning bright-raven. Philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russell. Some scholars believe the second syllable of Bertrand derived from a word meaning shield. M
257 Berthe French Bright. F
258 Bertie French Diminutive of Bertrand: Intelligent; Glorious raven. French form of the German Bertram, meaning bright-raven. Philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russell. Some scholars believe the second syllable of Bertrand derived from a word meaning shield. M

259 Bertrand French Intelligent; Glorious raven. French form of the German Bertram, meaning bright-raven. Philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russell. Some scholars believe the second syllable of Bertrand derived from a word meaning shield. M
260 Bette French A diminutive the Hebrew Elizabeth: My God is plentiful. Also used as an alternate spelling of Betty. Famous references - American actress Bette Davis. F
261 Bettine French A form of Elizabeth. F
262 Bevis French Handsome face. Also 'from Beauvais'. M
263 Birk French Variant of Burke: Lives in a fortress. M
264 Birke French Variant of Burke: Lives in a fortress. M
265 Blais French Lisp, stutter. M
266 Blaisdell French Lisp, stutter. M
267 Blaise French Lisp; stutter. Famous bearer: Blaise Pascal, a brilliant seventeenth century child prodigy; mathematician; scientist and philosopher who invented the calculating machine and hydraulic press before dying at age thirty-nine. M
268 Blaize French Lisp, stutter. M
269 Blanch French White. F
270 Blanche French White; shining. F
271 Blanchefleur French White flower. F
272 Blase French Lisp, stutter. M
273 Blayze French Lisp, stutter. M
274 Blaze French Lisp, stutter. M
275 Blondell French Fair-haired; blonde. Variant of the Spanish Blandina meaning flattering. F
276 Blondelle French Fair-haired; blonde. Variant of the Spanish Blandina meaning flattering. F
277 Blondene French Fair-haired; blonde. Variant of the Spanish Blandina meaning flattering. F
278 Bo French Diminutive of Beauregard: Respected; regarded highly (literal translation is Beautiful/handsome gaze). Also a variant of Beau: Handsome. M
279 Boden French He who delivers the news. M
280 Bodin French Variant of Boden: He who delivers the news. M