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Showing 561 - 595 of 1068 results. Page: 17 of 31

Browse all Greek girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
561 Hyacinth Greek From the flower by the same name. In Greek legend, the hyacinth sprouted from the blood of the youth Hyacinthus, who was accidentally killed by Apollo. M
562 Hyacinthusr Greek Hyacinth. M
563 Hyancinthe Greek Hyacinth. M
564 Hylas Greek Son of Theiodamas. M
565 Hymen Greek God of marriage. M
566 Hyperion Greek A Titan. M
567 Hypnos Greek God of sleep. M
568 Iapetus Greek A Titan. M
569 Iasion Greek Father of Plutus. M
570 Iason Greek Healer. M
571 Ibycus Greek A bard. M
572 Icarius Greek Gave wine to the citizens of Athens who mistook it for poison and killed him. M
573 Icarus Greek Son of Daedalus. M

574 Icelos Greek Son of Hypnos. M
575 Idas Greek An Argonaut. M
576 Idomeneus Greek A king of Crete. M
577 Ignatius Greek Fiery. Famous Bearers: St Ignatius of Antioch, martyred in the 2nd century. St Ignatius of Loyola, who founded the Jesuits in the 15th century. M
578 Igorr Greek Farmer. M
579 Inachus Greek A river god. M
580 Inigo Greek Variant of Ignatius: Fiery. Famous Bearers: St Ignatius of Antioch, martyred in the 2nd century. St Ignatius of Loyola, who founded the Jesuits in the 15th century. M
581 Ion Greek Son of Apollo. M
582 Iorgas Greek Farmer. M
583 Iphides Greek Hercules' twin brother. M
584 Iphis Greek Hanged himself over unrequited love. M
585 Iphitus Greek Brother of Iole. M
586 Irus Greek Challenged Odysseus on his return to Ithaca. M
587 Isadorer Greek Strong gift. M
588 Isidore Greek Strong Gift. Gift of Isis (this name is Greek, even though Isis is an Egyptian deity). St Isidore of Seville tried to convert Spanish Jews to Christianity during the 7th century. M
589 Isidoror Greek Strong gift. M
590 Isidrro Greek Strong gift. M
591 Istvan Greek Victorious. M
592 Ivan Greek Glorious gift. M
593 Ivanetsr Greek Glorious gift. M
594 Ivankor Greek Glorious gift. M
595 Ixidorr Greek Strong gift. M