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Showing 631 - 665 of 1068 results. Page: 19 of 31

Browse all Greek girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
631 Karessa Greek Very dear. M
632 Karsten Greek Anointed. M
633 Kasmy Greek Order. M
634 Katharyn Greek Variant of Katherine. Pure. M
635 Kathleen Greek Variant of Katherine. Pure. M
636 Kathryne Greek Variant of Katherine. Pure. M
637 Kay Greek Variant of Katherine. Pure. M
638 Keril Greek Lordly. M
639 Kester Greek Diminutive of Christopher: From the Greek word meaning 'carrier of Christ', Famous bearer: St Christopher, patron Saint of travellers, is believed to have carried the Christ-child across a river. M
640 Kestorr Greek Christ bearer. M
641 Khristos Greek Christ. M
642 Khrystiyanr Greek Christian. M
643 Kipr Greek Christ bearer. M

644 Kirilr Greek Lordly. M
645 Kirylr Greek Lordly. M
646 Kit Greek Diminutive of Christopher: From the Greek word meaning 'carrier of Christ', Famous bearer: St Christopher, patron Saint of travellers, is believed to have carried the Christ-child across a river. M
647 Kitr Greek Christ bearer. M
648 Klaasr Greek People's victory. M
649 Klaus Greek People's victory. M
650 Kletos Greek Variant of Anakletos: Calling forth; summoned. M
651 Kolya Greek Victorious army. M
652 Korudon Greek Helmeted. M
653 Kosmosr Greek Order. M
654 Kostas Greek Variant of Costa: Steady; stable. M
655 Kratos Greek Strength. M
656 Krikor Greek Vigilant. M
657 Kris Greek Diminutive of Christopher: From the Greek word meaning 'carrier of Christ', Famous bearer: St Christopher, patron Saint of travellers, is believed to have carried the Christ-child across a river. M
658 Krischanr Greek Christian. M
659 Krisr Greek Christ bearer. M
660 Kristabelle Greek Variant of Crystal. Sparkling. 'K' from the Greek spelling of krystallos. M
661 Kristian Greek Christian. M
662 Kristofr Greek Christ bearer. M
663 Kristor Greek Christ bearer. M
664 Kristr Greek Anointed. M
665 Krystalynn Greek Variant of Crystal. Sparkling. 'K' from the Greek spelling of krystallos. M