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Browse all Greek girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
666 Helenka Greek Light. F
667 Helia Greek Of the sun. F
668 Helice Greek From Helicon. F
669 Helike Greek From Helicon. F
670 Helle Greek Daughter of Athamas. F
671 Helli Greek Light. F
672 Hemera Greek Day. F
673 Henrika Greek Mistress of the hearth. F
674 Hera Greek Hera: (the Roman Juno) was the mythological Greek Queen of Heaven and wife of Zeus. Dealing with her husband's infidelities she came to be called the goddess of marriages. F
675 Here Greek Wife of Zeus. F
676 Hermandina Greek Well born. F
677 Hermandine Greek Well born. F
678 Hermia Greek Well born. Stone. Feminine form of Hermes. A character in Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream'. F

679 Hermione Greek Well born. Stone. Feminine name derived from Hermes. In Greek mythology, Hermione was the daughter of King Menelaus of Sparta and Helen of Troy. F
680 Hero Greek Priestess of Aphrodite. F
681 Hesione Greek Daughter of Laomedon. F
682 Hesper Greek Evening star. F
683 Hesperia Greek One of the Hesperides. F
684 Hester Greek Evening star. F
685 Hestia Greek Goddess of hearth and home. F
686 Hilaeira Greek Girl carried off by Pollux and Castor. F
687 Hippodamia Greek Wife of Pirithous. F
688 Hippolyta Greek Feminine form of Hippolytus: Horse let loose. Queen of the Amazons. A character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream'. F
689 Hippolyte Greek Queen of the Amazons. F
690 Horae Greek Goddess of the season. F
691 Hyacinth Greek Purple. F
692 Hyacintha Greek Feminine form of Hyacinth: From the flower by the same name. In Greek legend, the hyacinth sprouted from the blood of the youth Hyacinthus, who was accidentally killed by Apollo. F
693 Hyacinthe Greek Purple. F
694 Hyades Greek Name for the nymphs. F
695 Hydra Greek A dragon killed by Hercules. F
696 Hygeia Greek Goddess of health. F
697 Hygieia Greek Goddess of health. F
698 Hypate Greek Exceptional. F
699 Hypatia Greek Highest. Exceptional. F
700 Hypermnestra Greek Refused to kill her husband on their wedding night. F