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Browse all Greek girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
386 Ascalaphus Greek Turned into an owl by Persephone. M
387 Ascanius Greek Figure in ancient Greek mythology. M
388 Asklepios Greek God of medicine. M
389 Asopus Greek A river god. M
390 Aspasia Greek Welcome. Famous bearer: Aspasia was a 5th century BC mistress of the Athenian statesman Pericles.Welcomed. F
391 Asta Greek Star. F
392 Astra Greek Star. F
393 Astraea Greek Justice. F
394 Astraeus Greek Starry one. M
395 Astrea Greek Star. F
396 Astyanax Greek King of the city. Son of Hector killed at Troy. M
397 Atalanta Greek A huntress. F
398 Atalante Greek A huntress. F

399 Ate Greek Goddess of irrationality. F
400 Athamas Greek Father of Phrixus and Helle. M
401 Athan Greek Immortal. M
402 Athanasia Greek Immortal. F
403 Athanasios Greek Noble. M
404 Athanasius Greek Immortal. M
405 Athena Greek Goddess of wisdom. F
406 Athene Greek Athene was the goddess of war and wisdom, after whom the city Athens was named. F
407 Atlanta Greek A huntress. F
408 Atlas Greek A Titan. M
409 Atreides Greek Descended from Atreus. M
410 Atreus Greek Father of Agamemnon in ancient Greek mythology. M
411 Atropes Greek A Fate. F
412 Attis Greek Son of Manes. M
413 Augustina Greek The feminine form of Augustine. F
414 Aundrea Greek Feminine of Andrew. F
415 Aura Greek Soft breeze. F
416 Aure Greek Soft breeze. F
417 Autolycus Greek Son of Hermes. M
418 Autonoe Greek Mother of Actaeon. F
419 Avernus Greek Portal to Hades. M
420 Azalea Greek Dry. A flower name. F