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Showing 631 - 665 of 2548 results. Page: 19 of 73

Browse all Greek girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
631 Cleopatra Greek Her father's fame; Glory of her father. Egyptian Queen immortalized by Shakespeare in Antony and Cleopatra'. F
632 Cleta Greek Illustrious. F
633 Cletus Greek Variant of Anakletos: Calling forth; summoned. M
634 Cleytus Greek Illustrious. M
635 Cliantha Greek Glory. F
636 Clianthe Greek Glory. F
637 Clio Greek Celebrate. Abbreviation of Clotilde and Cleopatra. Clio was the Mythological Muse of historic poetry. F
638 Cloria Greek Goddess of spring. F
639 Cloris Greek Blooming. Mythological goddess of flowers or spring. F
640 Clotho Greek A Fate. F
641 Clymena Greek Mother of Atalanta. F
642 Clymene Greek Mother of Atalanta. F
643 Clyte Greek A water nymph. F

644 Clytemnestra Greek Murdered Agamemnon. F
645 Clytie Greek Mythological water nymph who loved the sun god Helios. She was changed into a sunflower and now always turns her face toward the sun. F
646 Cocytus Greek River of lamenting. M
647 Coeus Greek Father of Leto. M
648 Coireall Greek Lordly. M
649 Cole Greek People's victory. M
650 Colette Greek Feminine form of Nicholas: People's victory. St. Nicholas is the patron saint of children, sailors, and pawnbrokers - Santa Claus is based on this saint. F
651 Colin Greek Variant of Nicholas: People's victory. M
652 Colum Greek People's victory. M
653 Cora Greek From 'kore' meaning girl or maiden. Famous bearers: Persephone used the title Kore. F
654 Coral Greek From the coral of the sea. F
655 Coralie Greek From the coral of the sea. F
656 Coralin Greek From the coral of the sea. F
657 Coralina Greek From the coral of the sea. F
658 Coraline Greek From the coral of the sea. F
659 Corella Greek Maiden. F
660 Coretta Greek Maiden. F
661 Corette Greek Maiden. F
662 Coridan Greek Ready to fight. M
663 Corin Greek Maiden. F
664 Corinne Greek Maiden. F
665 Corinthia Greek 'Woman of Corinth. F