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Showing 2311 - 2345 of 2548 results. Page: 67 of 73

Browse all Greek girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
2311 Teofile Greek Divinely loved. M
2312 Terentia Greek Guardian. F
2313 Teresa Greek Reap; from Therasia. F
2314 Terese Greek Reaper. F
2315 Teresina Greek Reaper. F
2316 Tereus Greek King of Thrace. M
2317 Terisita Greek Reaper. F
2318 Terpsichore Greek Muse of dance and Iyric poetry. F
2319 Terran Greek Innocent. F
2320 Terri Greek Diminutive of Teresa: Reap; from Therasia. F
2321 Terrian Greek Innocent. F
2322 Terriana Greek Innocent. F
2323 Terry Greek Diminutive of Teresa: Reap; from Therasia. F

2324 Tesia Greek Loved by God. F
2325 Tess Greek Diminutive of Teresa: Reap; from Therasia. F
2326 Tessa Greek Born fourth; also a diminutive of Teresa: Reaper; from Therasia. F
2327 Tessie Greek Reaper; from Therasia. F
2328 Tethys Greek Wife of Oceanus. F
2329 Tetty Greek Diminutive of Elizabeth: From the Hebrew Elisheba, meaning either oath of God, or God is satisfaction. Also, the lilly flower. F
2330 Teucer Greek An archer. M
2331 Teuthras Greek King of Mysia. M
2332 Thad Greek Thaddeus was one of the 12 apostles described in the New Testament of the Bible. M
2333 Thaddea Greek Brave. F
2334 Thaddeus Greek Thaddeus was one of the 12 apostles described in the New Testament of the Bible. M
2335 Thaddia Greek Brave. F
2336 Thaddius Greek Thaddeus was one of the 12 apostles described in the New Testament of the Bible. M
2337 Thadeus Greek Thaddeus was one of the 12 apostles described in the New Testament of the Bible. M
2338 Thais Greek Beloved. F
2339 Thalassa Greek From the sea. F
2340 Thaleia Greek Joyous muse of comedy. F
2341 Thalia Greek Joyous muse of comedy. F
2342 Thamyris Greek A musician punished for hubris. M
2343 Thanasis Greek Noble. M
2344 Thanatos Greek Death. M
2345 Thanos Greek Noble. M