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Browse all Greek girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
246 Andrew Greek Manly. St Andrew, an apostle of Jesus Christ, later became patron saint of Scotland. The Scottish city St Andrews is named for him. It was in frequent use throughout Britain during the Middle Ages. M
247 Andreya Greek Manly. Brave. Feminine form of Andrew. F
248 Andriana Greek Manly. Brave. Feminine form of Andrew. F
249 Andrianna Greek Manly. Brave. Feminine form of Andrew. F
250 Andrianne Greek Manly. Brave. Feminine form of Andrew. F
251 Andrienne Greek Manly. Brave. Feminine form of Andrew. F
252 Andries Greek Manly. M
253 Andrina Greek Manly. Brave. Feminine form of Andrew. F
254 Androgeus Greek Son of Minos. M
255 Andromache Greek Wife of Hector. F
256 Andromeda Greek Mythology; an Ethiopian princess; wife of Perseus. Also a northern constellation. F
257 Androu Greek Manly. M
258 Anemone Greek Gentle. F

259 Anezka Greek Gentle. F
260 Angel Greek Messenger or angel. A popular masculine name in Sicily after the 13th-century saint, Angel. Angel Clare is the hero of Thomas Hardy's novel 'Tess of the DUrbervilles'. F
261 Angel Greek Messenger or angel. A popular masculine name in Sicily after the 13th-century saint, Angel. Angel Clare is the hero of Thomas Hardy's novel 'Tess of the DUrbervilles'. M
262 Angela Greek Feminine form of Angel, meaning messenger or angel. In 1535, Italian Saint Angela Merici, founded the Ursuline order of nuns at Brescia. F
263 Angele Greek Messenger. F
264 Angelee Greek Messenger. F
265 Angelena Greek Messenger. F
266 Angelene Greek Messenger. F
267 Angeli Greek Messenger. F
268 Angelia Greek Messenger. F
269 Angelika Greek Like an angel. F
270 Angeliki Greek Angel. F
271 Angelina Greek Variant of Angela: Feminine form of Angel, meaning messenger or angel. In 1535, Italian Saint Angela Merici, founded the Ursuline order of nuns at Brescia. F
272 Angeline Greek Variant of Angela: Feminine form of Angel, meaning messenger or angel. In 1535, Italian Saint Angela Merici, founded the Ursuline order of nuns at Brescia. F
273 Angelique Greek Angel. F
274 Angelisa Greek Messenger. F
275 Angelita Greek Messenger. F
276 Angell Greek Messenger. F
277 Angell Greek Messenger. M
278 Angelle Greek Messenger. F
279 Angelo Greek Messenger. M
280 Angelyn Greek Messenger. F