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Browse all Hebrew girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
771 Joseph Hebrew May Jehovah add/give increase. St Joseph of Arimathea undertook the burial of Jesus (in Holy Grail lore). In the bible Joseph was sold by his brothers into slavery and later rose to become a supreme power in Egypt. Also Jesus' legal father.. M
772 Josephus Hebrew God will multiply. M
773 Josh Hebrew Abbreviation of Joshua 'Jehovah is salvation.'. M
774 Joshua Hebrew Jehovah is generous. Jehovah saves. In the Old Testament, Joshua was chosen to succeed Moses as leader of the Israelites for their journey to the Promised Land. M
775 Josiah Hebrew Jehovah has healed. Biblical Josiah became king of Judah at eight after his father was assassinated. He ruled 31 years. M
776 Josias Hebrew Variant of Josiah: May Jehovah heal. M
777 Joss Hebrew Abbreviation of Joshua 'Jehovah is salvation.'. M
778 JosT Hebrew Variant of Joseph: May Jehovah add/give increase. M
779 Josu Hebrew God saves. M
780 Josue Hebrew God is salvation. M
781 Jotham Hebrew Jehovah is perfect. May Jehovah complete. In the Old Testament, Gideon's youngest son, who escaped the massacre of his seventy brothers. Also a king of Judah during a time of military strife. M
782 Jourdaine Hebrew Variant of Hebrew Jordan 'down flowing.'. M
783 Jourdon Hebrew Variant of Hebrew Jordan 'down flowing.'. M

784 Jov Hebrew Supplanter. M
785 Joziah Hebrew Jehovah has healed. Biblical Josiah became king of Judah at eight after his father was assassinated. He ruled 31 years. M
786 Juan Hebrew Gift from God. M
787 Jubal Hebrew The ram. Inventor of the harp and pipes and founder of music making. M
788 Jud Hebrew Praised. M
789 Judah Hebrew Praise. The praised one. Fourth son of Jacob and Leah and a direct ancestor to Jesus Christ. The words Jew and Judaism are derived from his name. M
790 Judas Hebrew Variant of Judah: Praise. The praised one. This name has become synonymous with traitor, as the apostle Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ for thirty pieces of silver. M
791 Judd Hebrew Praised. Also can be a diminutive of Jordan: To flow down. Flowing down. M
792 Jude Hebrew Variant of Judah: Praise. The praised one. M
793 Judy Hebrew Praised. M
794 Juha Hebrew Gift from God. M
795 Jukka Hebrew Gift from God. M
796 Junien Hebrew God will uplift. M
797 Jurre Hebrew God will uplift. M
798 Jussi Hebrew Gift from God. M
799 Kalb Hebrew Variant of Caleb: Dog; brave. In the Old Testament, Caleb was a companion of Moses during his time in the wilderness. M
800 Kaleb Hebrew Variant of Caleb: Dog; brave. In the Old Testament, Caleb was a companion of Moses during his time in the wilderness. M
801 Karmel Hebrew Vineyard. M
802 Kiba Hebrew Variant of Akiva: Heel; replaces. M
803 Kiva Hebrew Variant of Akiva: Heel; replaces. M
804 Laban Hebrew White. In the Bible, Laban was the brother of Isaac's wife Rebekah and the father of Jacob's wives Leali and Rachel. This name was popular with Puritans in the 17th century, but is rarely used today. M
805 Lapidos Hebrew Torch. M