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Showing 491 - 525 of 2139 results. Page: 15 of 62

Browse all Hebrew girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
491 Brachah Hebrew Blessed. F
492 Bram Hebrew Diminutive of Abraham: Father of a multitude. In Genesis the Old Testament patriarch Abram's name was changed to Abraham when it was revealed he would be father of the Hebrew nation. Further popularized by 19th century US president Abraham Lincoln. M
493 Cain Hebrew Spear; possessed. In the Bible Cain was the first murderer having killed his brother Abel in a fit of jealousy. M
494 Cale Hebrew Diminutive of Caleb: Dog; brave. In the Old Testament, Caleb was a companion of Moses during his time in the wilderness. M
495 Caleb Hebrew Meaning dog, or bold. Famous bearer: Caleb was one of twelve Islaelite leaders sent by Moses to explore the Promised Land. M
496 Candace Hebrew Famous bearer: American actress Candice Bergen. F
497 Candice Hebrew Famous bearer: American actress Candice Bergen. F
498 Candy Hebrew Diminutive of Candace: Famous bearer: American actress Candice Bergen. F
499 Carinen Hebrew Variant of Carmel: Garden or vinyard. Famous bearer: the name of a mountain in Isreal. The Carmelite order of mendicant friars was founded in the 12th century on Mount Carmel. F
500 Carmel Hebrew Garden or vinyard. Famous bearer: the name of a mountain in Isreal. The Carmelite order of mendicant friars was founded in the 12th century on Mount Carmel. F
501 Carmel Hebrew Garden. M
502 Carmela Hebrew Golden. F
503 Carmelina Hebrew Golden. F

504 Carmeline Hebrew Golden. F
505 Carmelita Hebrew Variant of Carmel: Garden or vinyard. Famous bearer: the name of a mountain in Isreal. The Carmelite order of mendicant friars was founded in the 12th century on Mount Carmel. F
506 Carmella Hebrew Golden. F
507 Carmelo Hebrew Fruitful orchard. Refers to Mount Carmel in Palestine. M
508 Carmen Hebrew Guard. F
509 Carmi Hebrew Vine dresser. M
510 Carmine Hebrew Vine dresser. M
511 Carnela Hebrew Variant of Carmel: Garden or vinyard. Famous bearer: the name of a mountain in Isreal. The Carmelite order of mendicant friars was founded in the 12th century on Mount Carmel. F
512 Cephas Hebrew Rock. M
513 Chaba Hebrew Life. F
514 Chabah Hebrew Life. F
515 Chadlai Hebrew Stop. M
516 Chagai Hebrew Mediates. M
517 Chagia Hebrew Variant of Chagiah: Festival. M
518 Chagiah Hebrew Festival. M
519 Chagiya Hebrew Variant of Chagiah: Festival. M
520 Chai Hebrew Life. M
521 Chaim Hebrew Life. M
522 Chaimek Hebrew Variant of Chayim: Life. M
523 Chaka Hebrew Life. F
524 Chalfan Hebrew Variant of Chalfon: Change. M
525 Chalfon Hebrew Change. M