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Showing 351 - 385 of 1786 results. Page: 11 of 52

Browse all Irish girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
351 Calli Irish Variant of Cayley meaning from the forest. F
352 Callie Irish Variant of Cayley meaning from the forest. Note: This Database is Copyright 2000, Muse Creations Inc. F
353 Callough Irish Bald. M
354 Callum Irish Variant of Columba, a Latin name meaning dove. M
355 Calum Irish Variant of Columba, a Latin name meaning dove. M
356 Calvagh Irish Bald. M
357 Caly Irish Slender. M
358 Camey Irish Champion. M
359 Camy Irish Variant of Camey: Champion. M
360 Canice Irish Good-looking; handsome. M
361 Caoimhe Irish Lovely and charming. F
362 Caoimhghin Irish Variant of Caoimhin: Noble. M
363 Caoimhin Irish Noble. M

364 Caolaidhe Irish Slender. M
365 Caolan Irish Slender. M
366 Caomh Irish Lovable. M
367 Caraid Irish Friend. F
368 Carey Irish Of the dark ones. A variant of Cary in use since the 19th century. F
369 Carey Irish Of the dark ones. A variant of Cary in use since the 19th century. M
370 Carleen Irish Feminine form of Charles: manly. F
371 Carlin Irish Little champion. M
372 Carney Irish Champion; victorious. M
373 Carny Irish Variant of Carney: Champion; victorious. M
374 Carolan Irish An Irish surname; variant of Charles meaning manly. F
375 Carraig Irish From the rocky headland. M
376 Carrick Irish From the rocky headland. M
377 Carroll Irish Feminine of Carl; joy. F
378 Carroll Irish Manly. M
379 Cartagh Irish Variant of Carthach: Loving. A variant of Caradoc. The Irish St. Carthach, also known as St Carthage, founded an early 7th century monastery at Lismore, County Waterford. M
380 Carthach Irish Loving. A variant of Caradoc. The Irish St. Carthach, also known as St Carthage, founded an early 7th century monastery at Lismore, County Waterford. M
381 Carthage Irish Variant of Carthach: Loving. M
382 Cary Irish Of the dark ones. M
383 Case Irish Variant of Casey: Observant; alert; vigorous. M
384 Casee Irish Brave; Vigilant. F
385 Casey Irish Brave; Vigilant. F