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Browse all Latin girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1366 Maurisa Latin Feminine of Maurice, meaning dark, or dark-skinned. F
1367 Maurissa Latin Feminine of Maurice, meaning dark, or dark-skinned. F
1368 Maurita Latin Dark. F
1369 Mavra Latin Moorish. F
1370 Maxime Latin The best. F
1371 Maxina Latin The best. F
1372 Maxine Latin Feminine diminutive of Maximilian: Greatest. F
1373 May Latin Daughter of Atlas; Maia; the month of May. F
1374 Maya Latin Daughter of Atlas. F
1375 Mayleen Latin Maia; the month of May. F
1376 Maylene Latin Maia; the month of May. F
1377 Medea Latin Wife of Jason. F
1378 Medesicaste Latin Daughter of Priam. F

1379 Meditrina Latin Goddess of healing. F
1380 Mel Latin Diminutive of Melanie: The black one. Dark. Famous Bearer: A character in Margaret Mitchell's 'Gone with the Wind'. F
1381 Melana Latin Dark. F
1382 Melania Latin Dark. F
1383 Melanie Latin The black one. Dark. Famous Bearer: A character in Margaret Mitchell's 'Gone with the Wind'. F
1384 Melanippe Latin A nymph. F
1385 Melia Latin A nymph. F
1386 Melina Latin Dark. F
1387 Melinda Latin Honey. F
1388 Meliora Latin Better. F
1389 Melissa Latin A nymph. F
1390 Mellona Latin Honey. F
1391 Melloney Latin Variant of Melanie: The black one. Dark. Famous Bearer: A character in Margaret Mitchell's 'Gone with the Wind'. F
1392 Meralda Latin Emerald. Abbreviation of Esmeralda. F
1393 Mercedes Latin Merry. F
1394 Mercedez Latin Mercies. Refers to Mary as Our Lady of Mercies. F
1395 Mercia Latin Compassion; forbearance. F
1396 Mercie Latin Compassion; forbearance. F
1397 Mercilla Latin Compassion; forbearance. F
1398 Mercina Latin Compassion; forbearance. F
1399 Mercy Latin Compassion; forbearance. F
1400 Meris Latin Of the sea. F