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Showing 1646 - 1680 of 1964 results. Page: 48 of 57

Browse all Latin girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1646 Pomona Latin Fertile. F
1647 Pomonia Latin Fertile. F
1648 Pompeia Latin From pompey. F
1649 Poppy Latin Flower. F
1650 Portia Latin An offering. Portia was a heroine in Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice'. F
1651 Potina Latin Blesses the food of children. F
1652 Praenestins Latin Fortuna's surname. F
1653 Predentia Latin Prudent. F
1654 Prima Latin Firstborn. F
1655 Primalia Latin Firstborn. F
1656 Primavera Latin Born at the beginning of spring. F
1657 Primrose Latin First rose. F
1658 Prisca Latin Archaic. F

1659 Priscilla Latin Ancient; archaic. F
1660 Prisy Latin Diminutive of Priscilla: Ancient; archaic. Daughter of Laomedon. F
1661 Proais Latin Lover of Hercules. F
1662 Proserpina Latin Goddess of the under world. F
1663 Prospera Latin Prosper. F
1664 Prosperia Latin Prosper. F
1665 Prudence Latin Prudent. F
1666 Prunella Latin Little plum. F
1667 Prunellia Latin Plum. F
1668 Quies Latin Tranquility. F
1669 Quintina Latin Born fifth. F
1670 Raidne Latin Siren. F
1671 Randy Latin Diminutive of Miranda or Mirabel: Worthy of admiration; wonderful; marvelous. F
1672 Regina Latin Queen. F
1673 Regine Latin Queen. F
1674 Reginy Latin Queen. F
1675 Renata Latin Reborn; rebirth. F
1676 Renate Latin Rebirth. F
1677 Renee Latin Rebirth. F
1678 Renella Latin Rebirth. F
1679 Renelle Latin Rebirth. F
1680 Reneta Latin Dignified. F