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Showing 211 - 245 of 1964 results. Page: 7 of 57

Browse all Latin girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
211 Arabelle Latin Derived from 'orabilis' meaning yielding to prayer. Famous bearer: Lady Arabella Stuart was cousin of King James VI of Scotland. Also a variant of Amabel meaning beautiful, loving, lovable, graceful. F
212 Arabia Latin From Arabia. F
213 Araceli Latin Treasure. F
214 Aracelia Latin Treasure. F
215 Arachne Latin Turned into a spider by Minerva. F
216 Arcadia Latin Adventuresome. F
217 Arcanania Latin From Arcanania. F
218 Ardea Latin From Ardea. F
219 Ardeen Latin Ardent. Eager. Industrious. F
220 Ardel Latin Ardent. Eager. Industrious. F
221 Ardelis Latin Ardent. Eager. Industrious. F
222 Ardella Latin Ardent. Eager. Industrious. F
223 Ardelle Latin Ardent. Eager. Industrious. F

224 Ardene Latin Ardent. Eager. Industrious. F
225 Ardina Latin Ardent. Eager. Industrious. F
226 Ardine Latin Ardent. Eager. Industrious. F
227 Ardinia Latin Ardent. Eager. Industrious. F
228 Ardis Latin Ardent. Eager. Industrious. F
229 Ardra Latin Ardent. Eager. Industrious. F
230 Arela Latin Golden. F
231 Arethusa Latin Daughter of Poseidon. F
232 Argenta Latin Silver. F
233 Argentia Latin Silver. F
234 Argentina Latin Silver. F
235 Argolis Latin From Argos. F
236 Ariadna Latin Daughter of Minos. F
237 Ariadne Latin Daughter of Minos: pleases. F
238 Ariana Latin Holy. Variant of Greek Mythological Ariadne who aided Theseus to escape from the Cretan labyrinth. F
239 Arianna Latin Variant of Greek Mythological Ariadne who aided Theseus to escape from the Cretan labyrinth. F
240 Arianne Latin Variant of Greek Mythological Ariadne who aided Theseus to escape from the Cretan labyrinth. F
241 Aricia Latin From Aricia. F
242 Aristodeme Latin Daughter of Priam. F
243 Arletta Latin Latinized form of the French Arlette. F
244 Armenia Latin From Armenia. F
245 Armida Latin Little armed one. F