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Browse all Latin girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1226 Fabien Latin Variant of Fabian: Bean farmer. M
1227 Fabio Latin Variant of Fabian: Bean farmer. M
1228 Fabiola Latin Feminine variant of Fabian from the Roman family name Fabius. Bean. F
1229 Fabion Latin Derived from the Roman clan name Fabius; a name given several Roman emperors and 16 saints. M
1230 Fabius Latin Variant of Fabian: Bean farmer. M
1231 Fabiyan Latin Variant of Fabian: Bean farmer. M
1232 Fabiyn Latin Bean farmer. M
1233 Fabra Latin Feminine variant of Fabian from the Roman family name Fabius. F
1234 Fabrizio Latin Craftsman. M
1235 Fabron Latin Mechanic. M
1236 Fabyan Latin Variant of Fabian: Bean farmer. M
1237 Fabyen Latin Variant of Fabian: Bean farmer. M
1238 Fahrice Latin Craftsman. M

1239 Faith Latin Confidence; trust; belief. F
1240 Falco Latin Surname relating to falconry. M
1241 Falisha Latin Happy. Feminine of Felix. F
1242 Fama Latin Rumor. F
1243 Fan Latin Diminutive of Frances: From France, or free one. Feminine of Francis. Famous bearers: British novelist Frances Burney and actress Frances Kemble. F
1244 Fani Latin Free. F
1245 Fania Latin Free. F
1246 Fanny Latin Diminutive of Frances: From France, or free one. Feminine of Francis. Famous bearers: British novelist Frances Burney and actress Frances Kemble. F
1247 Faula Latin Lover of Hercules. F
1248 Fauna Latin Lover of Hercules. F
1249 Faunus Latin God of forests. M
1250 Faust Latin Fortunate. F
1251 Faust Latin Lucky. M
1252 Fausta Latin Fortunate. F
1253 Faustina Latin From 'faustus', meaning fortunate. F
1254 Faustine Latin Fortunate one. Feminine of Faustus. F
1255 Faustino Latin Variant of Faust: Good luck. M
1256 Fausto Latin Lucky. M
1257 Faustus Latin Variant of Faust: Good luck. M
1258 Favian Latin Brave man. M
1259 Favianna Latin Feminine variant of Fabian from the Roman family name Fabius. F
1260 Favio Latin Derived from the Roman clan name Fabius; a name given several Roman emperors and 16 saints. M