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Showing 1541 - 1575 of 3159 results. Page: 45 of 91

Browse all Latin girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1541 Ilus Latin Founder of Troy. M
1542 Immaculata Latin The Immaculate Conception. F
1543 Imogen Latin Image. Blameless; innocent. F
1544 Imogene Latin Image. Blameless; innocent. F
1545 Imogenia Latin Image. Blameless; innocent. F
1546 Imperia Latin Commanding. F
1547 Inachus Latin Father of Io. M
1548 Inaki Latin Ardent. M
1549 Ince Latin Innocent. M
1550 Inek Latin Small. M
1551 Inferna Latin Proserpina's surname. F
1552 Iniga Latin Fiery. F
1553 Inigo Latin Fiery. St. Ignacius of Loyola was founder of the Catholic Jesuit order. M

1554 Innocent Latin Innocent. M
1555 Innocenty Latin Innocent. M
1556 Intercidona Latin Goddess of birthing. F
1557 Inuus Latin God of fertility. M
1558 Invidia Latin Envious. F
1559 Inyx Latin Spell. F
1560 Iphicles Latin Twin of Hercules. M
1561 Iphimedeia Latin Daughter of Triopas. F
1562 Iphinome Latin Amazon. F
1563 Iphis Latin Lover who hanged himself. M
1564 Iphitus Latin Brother of Iole. M
1565 Iris Latin Diminutive of Beatrice. A variant of Beatrix meaning bringer of joy. F
1566 Iris Latin Diminutive of Beatrice F: A variant of Beatrix meaning bringer of joy. In the Divine Comedy, Beatrice was Dante's guide through Paradise, perhaps inspired by Beatrice Portinari who was Dante's earliest love. M
1567 Irma Latin Noble. F
1568 Irmina Latin Noble. F
1569 Irmine Latin Noble. F
1570 Isabel Latin Variant of Elizabeth. My God is bountiful;God of plenty. F
1571 Isabel Latin Variant of Elizabeth. 'My God is bountiful;God of plenty.'. M
1572 Iulia Latin Young. F
1573 Iulius Latin Youthful. F
1574 Iulus Latin Son of Aeneas. M
1575 Jacoba Latin Supplanter. F