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Showing 1786 - 1820 of 3159 results. Page: 52 of 91

Browse all Latin girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1786 Larina Latin Sea gull; Protection. Derived from 'lares' - individual Roman household gods who were protectors of home and fields. F
1787 Larinda Latin Variant of Laura: Laurel tree or sweet bay tree (symbols of honour and victory). F
1788 Larissa Latin Cheerful. Joyful. A lover of Poseidon. F
1789 Larita Latin Sea gull; Protection. Derived from 'lares' - individual Roman household gods who were protectors of home and fields. F
1790 Larry Latin Diminutive of Lawrence: Of Laurentum. From the place of the laurel leaves. Can also be interpreted as the English version of the Irish name Lorcan: Fierce. M
1791 Lars Latin Variant of Lawrence: Of Laurentum. From the place of the laurel leaves. Can also be interpreted as the English version of the Irish name Lorcan: Fierce. A Roman hero. M
1792 Lartius Latin A hero who saved Rome. M
1793 Larunda Latin A nymph. F
1794 Latine Latin Sea gull. F
1795 Latinus Latin King of Latium. M
1796 Lativerna Latin Goddess of thieves. F
1797 Latona Latin Named for Latium. F
1798 Latonia Latin Named for Latium. F

1799 Laudalino Latin Praise. M
1800 Lauene Latin Laurel. F
1801 Lauica Latin Laurel. F
1802 Laura Latin Laurel tree or sweet bay tree (symbols of honour and victory). The sonnets of 14th-century Italian poet Petrarch were addressed a lady named Laura, whose identity is still a mystery. Famous Bearer: Fashion designer Laura Ashley (l925-85). F
1803 Lauraine Latin Variant of Laura: Laurel tree or sweet bay tree (symbols of honour and victory). F
1804 Lauralyn Latin The laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory. Old name with many variants. F
1805 Lauralyn Latin The laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory. Old name with many variants. M
1806 Lauran Latin Laurel. M
1807 Laureano Latin From the place of laurel trees. M
1808 Laureen Latin Variant of Laura: Laurel tree or sweet bay tree (symbols of honour and victory). F
1809 Laurel Latin Derived from the name of the shrub, which was a symbol of victory in Greek and Roman times. F
1810 Laurel Latin Laurel. M
1811 Laurella Latin Laurel. F
1812 Lauren Latin Variant of Laura: Laurel tree or sweet bay tree (symbols of honour and victory). F
1813 Lauren Latin Variant of Lawrence: Of Laurentum. From the place of the laurel leaves. Can also be interpreted as the English version of the Irish name Lorcan: Fierce. M
1814 Laurence Latin Variant of Lawrence: Of Laurentum. From the place of the laurel leaves. Can also be interpreted as the English version of the Irish name Lorcan: Fierce. M
1815 Laurencho Latin Laurel. M
1816 Laurencia Latin Feminine form of Lawrence: Of Laurentum. From the place of the laurel leaves. Can also be interpreted as the English version of the Irish name Lorcan: Fierce. Famous Bearer: Writer T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia). F
1817 Laurene Latin The laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory. Old name with many variants. F
1818 Laurenne Latin From Laurentium; the place of the laurel trees; place of honor and victory. Feminine of Lawrence. F
1819 Laurent Latin Laurel. M
1820 Laurentia Latin Feminine form of Lawrence: Of Laurentum. From the place of the laurel leaves. The she-wolf that nursed Remus and Romulus. F