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Showing 351 - 385 of 581 results. Page: 11 of 17

Browse all Norse girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
351 Knud Norse Kind. M
352 Knut Norse Knot. M
353 Knutr Norse Knot. M
354 Kodran Norse Father of Thjodgerd. M
355 Kol Norse Dark. M
356 Kolbein Norse Son of Sigmund of Vestfold. M
357 Kolbyr Norse From the dark settlement. M
358 Kolgrim Norse Son of Hrolf. M
359 Koll Norse Dark. M
360 Kolli Norse Dark. M
361 Kollsvein Norse Young. M
362 Kort Norse Short. M
363 Kotkel Norse A sorcerer. M

364 Krossbyr Norse Dwells at the shrine of the cross. M
365 Kuanbyr Norse From the woman's estate. M
366 Kylan Norse Son of Kara. M
367 Lagmann Norse Lawyer. M
368 Lambi Norse Son of Thorbjorn the Feeble. M
369 Lamond Norse Lawyer. M
370 Lamont Norse Lawyer. M
371 Lang Norse Tall. M
372 Leidolf Norse Wolf descendant. M
373 Leif Norse Descendant. M
374 Lidskjalf Norse Throne of Odin. M
375 Lodmund Norse Blood brother of Bjolf. M
376 Lodur Norse Giver of senses. M
377 Loki Norse God of destruction. M
378 Lunt Norse From the grove. M
379 Lyting Norse Brother of Thorstein Torfi. M
380 Magne Norse Fighter. M
381 Magni Norse One of the seven gods of the Aesir. M
382 Magnild Norse Fighter. M
383 Magnor Norse Fighter. M
384 Magnus Norse Fighter. M
385 Mani Norse Father of Ketil. M