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Showing 211 - 245 of 581 results. Page: 7 of 17

Browse all Norse girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
211 Geir Norse Spear. M
212 Geiri Norse Spear. M
213 Geirleif Norse Spear descendant. M
214 Geirmund Norse Son of Gunnbjorn. M
215 Geirolf Norse Wolf spear. M
216 Geirrod Norse Brother of Geirrid. M
217 Geirstein Norse Rock or hard spear. M
218 Gest Norse Son of Oddleif. M
219 Gilby Norse Pledge. M
220 Gils Norse Father of Hedin. M
221 Gimle Norse New heaven. M
222 GIum Norse An outlaw. M
223 Gizur Norse Leader of the attack on Hlidarend. M

224 Gjallar Norse Horn sounded for Ragnorok. M
225 Gjest Norse Stranger. M
226 Gleipnif Norse Magic net woven to hold Fenrir. M
227 Glistenheath Norse The place where Sigurd killed Fafnir. M
228 Gnup Norse Took refuge in Iceland after several killings he performed. M
229 Gram Norse Sigurd's sword. M
230 Grani Norse Son of Gunnar. M
231 Grenjad Norse Son of Hermund. M
232 Greyfell Norse Sigurd's horse. M
233 Grim Norse Son of Njal. M
234 Grimkel Norse Son of Ulf. M
235 Gris Norse A man freed by Skallagrim. M
236 Gudbrand Norse Weapon of the gods. M
237 Gudbrande Norse Weapon of the gods. M
238 Gudlaug Norse Son of Asbjorn. M
239 Gudmund Norse A chieftain. M
240 Gullinbursti Norse The boar ridden by Freyr. M
241 Gulltopp Norse The horse of Heimdall. M
242 Gungir Norse Odin's spear. M
243 Gunlaug Norse Son of Illugi. M
244 Gunnar Norse Iighter. M
245 Gunnbjorn Norse Fighting bear. M