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Browse all Scottish girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
701 Maxwell Scottish Magnus' spring. Mac's well. Surname and place name. M
702 May Scottish Scottish form of Margaret: pearl. F
703 McCloud Scottish Son of the ugly man. M
704 Mckenzie Scottish 'The fair one. F
705 Mealcoluim Scottish Follower of Saint Columba. M
706 Melville Scottish A Scottish surname based on a French place name. M
707 Menzies Scottish From Mesniers. M
708 Micheal Scottish Form of Michael 'Who is like God?'. M
709 Mitch Scottish Form of Michael 'Who is like God?'. M
710 Mitchel Scottish Form of Michael 'Who is like God?'. M
711 Mitchell Scottish Form of Michael 'Who is like God?'. M
712 Moibeal Scottish Lovable. F
713 Moira Scottish Variant of the Irish Maire from Mary: bitter. F

714 Moire Scottish Bitter. F
715 Moireach Scottish Lady. F
716 Moncreiffe Scottish From the hill of the sacred bough. M
717 Monroe Scottish From the river's mouth. M
718 Montgomery Scottish From Montgomerie. M
719 Moray Scottish Variant of Murray: Sea. A Scottish surname and place name. M
720 Morogh Scottish Man of the sea. M
721 Morrison Scottish Son of the servant of Mary. M
722 Mufidy Scottish Man of the sea. M
723 Muir Scottish From the moor. M
724 Muira Scottish From the moor. F
725 Muire Scottish Bitter or from the moor. F
726 Muirfinn Scottish DweIls near the beautiful sea. M
727 Munro Scottish Man from Ro. M
728 Munroe Scottish Man from Ro. M
729 Murdoc Scottish Protector of the sea. M
730 Murdoch Scottish Protector of the sea. M
731 Murdock Scottish Protector of the sea. M
732 Murray Scottish From the sea. Ancient Scottish clan surname. M
733 Mysie Scottish Variant of Maisie: Scottish Diminutive form of Margaret: Pearl, child of light. F
734 Nab Scottish Abbot. M
735 Nachton Scottish Pure. M