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Showing 211 - 245 of 715 results. Page: 7 of 21

Browse all Spanish girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
211 Corazon Spanish Heart. F
212 Crisann Spanish Variant of Chrysantus. F
213 Crisanna Spanish Variant of Chrysantus. F
214 Crista Spanish Appointed one. A Christian. F
215 Cristina Spanish Follower of Christ. F
216 Cristine Spanish Follower of Christ. F
217 Cyntia Spanish Variant of Greek name Cynthia - one of the names of the mythological mood goddess Artemis referring to her birth on Mount Cynthus. F
218 Dalila Spanish Delicate. F
219 Damita Spanish Little noble. F
220 Dani Spanish Feminine of Daniel: God judges. God will judge. F
221 Danita Spanish God judges. God will judge. F
222 Daria Spanish Rich. F
223 Deiene Spanish Religious holiday. F

224 Deikun Spanish Religious holiday. F
225 Deina Spanish Religious holiday. F
226 Delcine Spanish Sweet. F
227 Delfina Spanish Dolphin. Variant of the thirteenth-century French saint Delphine. F
228 Delicia Spanish Charming. F
229 Delma Spanish Of the sea. F
230 Delmar Spanish Of the sea. F
231 Delmara Spanish Of the sea. F
232 Delphia Spanish Dolphin. Variant of the thirteenth-century French saint Delphine. F
233 Denisa Spanish Feminine of Denis from the Greek name Dionysus. F
234 Desideria Spanish Desire. F
235 Destina Spanish Certain fortune; fate. F
236 Devera Spanish Task. F
237 Dia Spanish Day. F
238 Diega Spanish Feminine form of Diego: supplanter. F
239 Digna Spanish Worthy. F
240 Dina Spanish Form of Hebrew Dinah. Judged and vindicated. In the bible Dinah was Jacob's only daughter. F
241 Dinora Spanish Form of Hebrew Dinah. Judged and vindicated. In the bible Dinah was Jacob's only daughter. F
242 Dionis Spanish From Dionysus god of wine. F
243 Dionisa Spanish From Dionysus god of wine. F
244 Dita Spanish Abreviation of the English Edith. Happy warfare, spoils of war. F
245 Dolores Spanish Sorrow. From Maria de los Dolores (the Virgin Mary, or Mary of the Sorrows.) F