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Browse all Spanish girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
176 Benigna Spanish Kind. F
177 Benita Spanish A feminine form of the Latin Benedict meaning blessed. F
178 Benito Spanish A Spanish diminutive of the Latin Benedict meaning blessed. Italian dictator Benito Mussolini died in 1945. M
179 Bernardo Spanish Strong as a bear. M
180 Bernicia Spanish One who brings victory. F
181 Berta Spanish Bright. F
182 Bertin Spanish Variant of Berton: Good friend. Famous Bearer: Canadian singer/songwriter Burton Cummings. M
183 Berto Spanish Intelligent. M
184 Berton Spanish Good friend. Famous Bearer: Canadian singer/songwriter Burton Cummings. M
185 Bettina Spanish A Spanish or Italian variant of the Hebrew Elizabeth; meaning 'My God is plentiful. F
186 Bibiana Spanish Lively. Variant of Vivian. F
187 Bienvenida Spanish Welcome. F
188 Blanca Spanish White; shining. A variant of the French Blanche. F

189 Blanco Spanish White; blond. M
190 Blandina Spanish Flattering. F
191 Blas Spanish Stutters. M
192 Blasa Spanish Stutters. F
193 Bonifacio Spanish Benefactor. M
194 Bonifaco Spanish Benefactor. M
195 Bonita Spanish Pretty little one. F
196 Breezy Spanish From Briseis, the woman Achilles loved in Homer's Iliad. F
197 Brigida Spanish Spanish form of Bridget: strong. F
198 Brigidia Spanish Spanish form of Bridget: strong. F
199 Brisa Spanish From Briseis, the woman Achilles loved in Homer's Iliad. F
200 Brisha Spanish From Briseis, the woman Achilles loved in Homer's Iliad. F
201 Brisia Spanish From Briseis, the woman Achilles loved in Homer's Iliad. F
202 Brissa Spanish From Briseis, the woman Achilles loved in Homer's Iliad. F
203 Briza Spanish From Briseis, the woman Achilles loved in Homer's Iliad. F
204 Bryssa Spanish From Briseis, the woman Achilles loved in Homer's Iliad. F
205 Buena Spanish Good. F
206 Buinton Spanish Born fifth. M
207 Cachi Spanish Bringer of peace. M
208 Calandria Spanish Lark. F
209 Calida Spanish Ardent. F
210 Calvina Spanish Feminine form of Calvino: bald. F