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Showing 141 - 175 of 217 results. Page: 5 of 7

Browse all Swedish girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
141 Lukas Swedish Brings light. M
142 Lunt Swedish From the grove. M
143 Magnild Swedish Strong warrior. M
144 Magnus Swedish Strong warrior. M
145 Maklolm Swedish Swedish form of Makolm 'serves Saint Columba'. M
146 Manfred Swedish Peaceful. M
147 Mark Swedish Warring. M
148 Markus Swedish Warring. M
149 Mats Swedish Swedish form of Mathew 'gift from God'. M
150 Matteus Swedish Swedish form of Mathew 'gift from God'. M
151 Mattias Swedish Swedish form of Mathew 'gift from God'. M
152 Melker Swedish King. M
153 Mikael Swedish Swedish form of Michael 'God - like'. M

154 Nansen Swedish Nancy's son. M
155 Natanael Swedish Swedish form of Nathaniel 'gift from God'. M
156 Nels Swedish Chief. M
157 Niklas Swedish Swedish form of Nicholas 'victory of the people'. M
158 Nikolaus Swedish Swedish form of Nicholas 'victory of the people'. M
159 Nils Swedish Chief. M
160 Noak Swedish Rest. M
161 Olaf Swedish Andent. M
162 Olof Swedish Andent. M
163 Oskar Swedish Leaping warrior. M
164 Otto Swedish Wealthy. M
165 Ove Swedish Egg. M
166 Patrik Swedish Swedish form of Patrick 'noble'. M
167 Peder Swedish Stone. M
168 Per Swedish Stone. M
169 Petter Swedish Stone. M
170 Pol Swedish Little. M
171 Poul Swedish Little. M
172 Ragnar Swedish Strong army. M
173 Ragnor Swedish Strong army. M
174 Ragnvard Swedish Powerful fighter. M
175 Rikard Swedish Swedish form of Richard 'strong ruler'. M