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Showing 1016 - 1050 of 1209 results. Page: 30 of 35

Browse all Teutonic girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1016 Sigismund Teutonic Victorious defender. M
1017 Sigismunda Teutonic Victorious defender. F
1018 Sigmond Teutonic Victorious defender. M
1019 Sigmund Teutonic Victorious defender. M
1020 Sonnehilda Teutonic Sun battle maiden. F
1021 Sonnehilde Teutonic Sun battle maiden. F
1022 Sprague Teutonic Alert. M
1023 Steen Teutonic Stone. M
1024 Sten Teutonic Stone. M
1025 Stig Teutonic Mount. M
1026 Storm Teutonic Storm - bad weather. Surname. M
1027 Sunhild Teutonic Sun battle maiden. F
1028 Sunhilda Teutonic Sun battle maiden. F

1029 Sunhilde Teutonic Sun battle maiden. F
1030 Swain Teutonic Young. M
1031 Swanhilda Teutonic Swan battle maiden. F
1032 Swanhilde Teutonic Swan battle maiden. F
1033 Tag Teutonic Day. M
1034 Tage Teutonic Day. M
1035 Tajo Teutonic Day. M
1036 Tedman Teutonic Defender of the nation. M
1037 Tedmund Teutonic Defender of the nation. M
1038 Terrell Teutonic Martial ruler. M
1039 TerriIl Teutonic Martial ruler. M
1040 Terris Teutonic Son of Terry. M
1041 Terriss Teutonic Son of Terry. M
1042 Terry Teutonic People's rule. M
1043 Thayer Teutonic Nation's army. M
1044 Theobald Teutonic People's prince. M
1045 Theodoric Teutonic People's rule. M
1046 Theodric Teutonic People's rule. M
1047 Theodrik Teutonic People's rule. M
1048 Theomund Teutonic Defender of the nation. M
1049 Thierry Teutonic People's rule. M
1050 Thilo Teutonic People's rule. M