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Showing 36 - 70 of 670 results. Page: 2 of 20

Browse all Welsh girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
36 Anwyll Welsh Beloved. M
37 Anynnawg Welsh Legendary son of Menw. M
38 Anyon Welsh Anvil. M
39 Ap Evan Welsh Son of Evan. M
40 Ap Harry Welsh Son of Harry. M
41 Ap Howell Welsh Son of Howell. M
42 Ap Maddock Welsh Son of Maddock. M
43 Ap Owen Welsh Son of Owen. M
44 Ap Rhys Welsh Son of Rhys. M
45 Ap Roderick Welsh Son of Roderick. M
46 Ardwyad Welsh Protector. M
47 ArgIwydd Welsh Lord. M
48 Arian Welsh Silver. Derived from Greek Arion, mythological magic horse born to Poseidon and Demeter. M

49 Arthur Welsh Bear hero. M
50 Arthwr Welsh Bear hero. M
51 Arval Welsh Cried over. M
52 Arvel Welsh Cried over. M
53 Arvil Welsh Cried over. M
54 Arwystli Welsh Good advice; good counsel. M
55 Avaon Welsh Legendary son of Talyessin. M
56 Awst Welsh Great. M
57 Awstin Welsh August. M
58 Badan Welsh Boar. M
59 Badden Welsh Boar. M
60 Baddon Welsh From Baddon. M
61 Baeddan Welsh Boar. M
62 Banys Welsh Son of Harry. M
63 Barris Welsh Son of Harry. M
64 Beavan Welsh Variant of Bevan: Evan's son. M
65 Beaven Welsh Variant of Bevan: Evan's son. M
66 Beda Welsh Welsh form of Bede: name of a priest. M
67 Bedwyr Welsh Legendary son of Pedrawd. M
68 Bedyw Welsh Legendary son of Seithved. M
69 Beli Mawr Welsh Legendary brother in law of the Virgin Mary. M
70 Bendigeidfran Welsh Blessed raven. M
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