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African African-American Anglo-Saxon Arabic Aramaic Armenian ArthurianLegend Asian Assyrian Australian Basque Bavarian Biblical Cambodian Celtic Chinese Contemporary Cornish Czech Czechoslovakian Danish Dutch Egyptian English Farsi Finnish Flemish French Gaelic German Greek Gypsy Hawaiian Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indian Irish Israeli Italian Japanese Korean Latin Lithuanian Maori Muslim NativeAmerican Norse Persian Phoenician Polish Polynesian Portuguese Roman Rumanian Russian Sanskrit Scandinavian Scottish Shakespearean Singhalese Slavic Spanish Swedish Swiss Syrian Teutonic Thai Turkish Ukrainian Unknown Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish
Showing 36 - 70 of 1762 results. Page: 2 of 51

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
36 Cadman Anglo-Saxon Warrior. M
37 Cadman Celtic Fighter. M
38 Cadman Welsh Warrior. M
39 Cadmon Welsh Warrior. M
40 Cadmus Greek He who excels; from the east. M
41 Cadmus Latin Son of Abenor. M
42 Cador ArthurianLegend Nephew of Arthur. M
43 Cadwalader Welsh Variant of Cadwaladr: War leader; battle leader. M
44 Cadwaladr Welsh Battle leader. This name dates back to the 7th century. More commonly used as a surname than a first name in the present day. M
45 Cadwaladyr Welsh Variant of Cadwaladr: War leader; battle leader. M
46 Cadwallader Welsh Battle leader. This name dates back to the 7th century. More commonly used as a surname than a first name in the present day. M
47 Cadwallen Welsh Battle disolver. Also a variant of Cadwallon: Arranges the battle. M
48 Cadwallon Anglo-Saxon Name of a king. M

49 Cadwallon ArthurianLegend A seventh century king. M
50 Cadwallon Welsh Arranges the battle. M
51 Cadwgawn Welsh Legendary son of Iddon. M
52 Cadwr Welsh Legendary son of Gwlyon. M
53 Cadwy Welsh Legendary son of Gereint. M
54 Cadyryeith Welsh Well spoken. M
55 Caecelius Latin Blind. M
56 Caedmon Anglo-Saxon Poet. M
57 Caedwalla Anglo-Saxon Name of a king. M
58 Caelan Gaelic Contemporary variant of Cailean 'Child.'. M
59 Caelan Irish Powerful warrior. M
60 Caelin Irish Variant of Caelan: Powerful warrior. M
61 Caer Llion Welsh From Caerleon. M
62 Caerau Welsh From the castle. M
63 Caerleon ArthurianLegend Name of a battle site. M
64 Caersewiella English Lives at the watercress spring. M
65 Caerwyn Welsh White fortress. M
66 Caesar Danish Long hair. M
67 Caesar Latin The family name of Roman dictator Gaius Julias Caesar. Its origin is uncertain:, but may come from 'caesaries' meaning hair, or 'caesius' meaning 'bluish-grey, or 'caedere' meaning to cut, perhaps referring to his birth by Caesarean section. M
68 Caesar Shakespearean Antony and Cleopatra'. Octavius Caesar, Roman triumvir. 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar' Julius Caesar, Roman statesman and general. M
69 Caesar Swedish Long hair. M
70 Caesare Greek Long haired. M
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