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African African-American Anglo-Saxon Arabic Aramaic Armenian ArthurianLegend Asian Assyrian Australian Basque Bavarian Biblical Cambodian Celtic Chinese Contemporary Cornish Czech Czechoslovakian Danish Dutch Egyptian English Farsi Finnish Flemish French Gaelic German Greek Gypsy Hawaiian Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indian Irish Israeli Italian Japanese Korean Latin Lithuanian Maori Muslim NativeAmerican Norse Persian Phoenician Polish Polynesian Portuguese Roman Rumanian Russian Sanskrit Scandinavian Scottish Shakespearean Singhalese Slavic Spanish Swedish Swiss Syrian Teutonic Thai Turkish Ukrainian Unknown Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish
Showing 386 - 420 of 1048 results. Page: 12 of 30

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
386 Geovani Italian Variant of John 'God has shown favor.' See also Jovan. M
387 Geovanni Italian Variant of John 'God has shown favor.' See also Jovan. M
388 Geovanny Italian Variant of John 'God has shown favor.' See also Jovan. M
389 Geovany Italian Variant of John 'God has shown favor.' See also Jovan. M
390 Gera Biblical Pilgrimage, combat, dispute. M
391 Geraghty Irish From the court. M
392 Geraint Anglo-Saxon Name of a king. M
393 Geraint ArthurianLegend The Arthurian legendary Geraint was Enid's husband. M
394 Geraint Welsh A variant of the Latin Gerontius, from the Greek 'geron' meaning old. Famous bearer: Welsh opera singer Sir Geraint Evans. M
395 Gerald English Ruling spear. Introduced into Britain from Germany during the Norman Conquest. Famous bearer: medieval Welsh writer and clergyman Gerald of Wales. M
396 Gerald German From an Old German name derived from 'ger' meaning spear, and 'vald' meaning rule. M
397 Gerald Teutonic Spear strength. M
398 Geraldo Spanish Rules by the spear. M

399 Geralt Irish Fanner. M
400 Gerar Biblical Pilgrimage, combat, dispute. M
401 Gerard English Hard or bold spear. This name was introduced to England from Germany during the Norman Conquest. Famous bearer: British poet Gerard Manley Hopkins. M
402 Gerard French Spear strong. See also Jerard. M
403 Gerard German See also Jerard. From an Old German name meaning hard, strong, or bold spear. M
404 Gerard Teutonic Spear strength. M
405 Gerardo English Spear hard. M
406 Gerardo Italian Spear hard. M
407 Gerardo Spanish Spanish form of Gerard 'spear courageous'. M
408 Geraud Teutonic Spear strength. M
409 Gerd English Spear hard. M
410 Gere English Form of Gerald 'rules by the spear.'. M
411 Gere German Form of Gerald: rules by the spear. M
412 Geremia Hebrew God is high. M
413 Geremia Italian Italian form of Jerome 'sacred'. M
414 Gergely Greek Vigilant. M
415 Gergesenes Biblical Those who come from pilgrimage or fight. M
416 Gergo Hungarian Watchful. M
417 Gergor Greek Vigilant. M
418 Gerhard German Spear strong. M
419 Gerhard Swedish Swedish form of Gerard 'spear courageous'. M
420 Gerik Polish Wealthy spearman. M