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African African-American Anglo-Saxon Arabic Aramaic Armenian ArthurianLegend Asian Assyrian Australian Basque Bavarian Biblical Cambodian Celtic Chinese Contemporary Cornish Czech Czechoslovakian Danish Dutch Egyptian English Farsi Finnish Flemish French Gaelic German Greek Gypsy Hawaiian Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indian Irish Israeli Italian Japanese Korean Latin Lithuanian Maori Muslim NativeAmerican Norse Persian Phoenician Polish Polynesian Portuguese Roman Rumanian Russian Sanskrit Scandinavian Scottish Shakespearean Singhalese Slavic Spanish Swedish Swiss Syrian Teutonic Thai Turkish Ukrainian Unknown Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish
Showing 176 - 210 of 1048 results. Page: 6 of 30

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
176 Garland English From the spear land. M
177 Garland French Crowned in victory 'Wreath; prize.'. M
178 Garlen French Wreath; prize. M
179 Garlyn French Wreath; prize. M
180 Garm Norse Guards the gate of Hell. M
181 Garman English Speannan. M
182 Garmann English Speannan. M
183 Garmites Biblical Men of Garmi; ie. Bones or my cause M
184 Garmond English Spear protector. M
185 Garmund English Spear protector. M
186 Garnell English Keeper of grain. Surname. M
187 Garnell French Keeper of grain. Surname. M
188 Garner English Keeper of grain. Surname. M

189 Garner French Keeper of grain. Surname. M
190 Garnet English Armed with a spear. Used as both a surname and given name. Famous bearer: British field marshal Lord Garnet Joseph Wolseley. M
191 Garnet French Keeper of grain. Surname. M
192 Garnett English Armed with a spear. M
193 Garnoc Welsh Dwells by the alder tree river. M
194 Garnock Welsh Dwells by the alder tree river. M
195 Garon French Guards; guardian. M
196 Garon German Guards; guardian. M
197 Garr Anglo-Saxon Spear. M
198 Garr English Spear. M
199 Garrad English Variant of Garret from Gerald 'rules by the spear.'. M
200 Garran Irish Guards; guardian. M
201 Garrard English Brave with a spear. M
202 Garred English Variant of Garret from Gerald 'rules by the spear.'. M
203 Garren French Guards; guardian. M
204 Garren German Guards; guardian. M
205 Garret English Variant of Gerald, meaning 'rules by the spear' or 'hard or bold spear.' Also an English variant of the German Gerard, based on medieval pronunciation. M
206 Garret Irish Hard or bold spear. An Irish variant of the German Gerard, based on medieval pronunciation. Famous bearer: Irish statesman Garret FitzGerald. M
207 Garret Teutonic Spear strength. M
208 Garreth ArthurianLegend Gentle. Modest and brave Sir Gareth was a legendary knight of King Arthur's Round Table. M
209 Garreth Welsh Gentle. Modest and brave Sir Gareth was a legendary knight of King Arthur's Round Table. M
210 Garrett Anglo-Saxon Strong spear. M