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African African-American Anglo-Saxon Arabic Aramaic Armenian ArthurianLegend Asian Assyrian Australian Basque Bavarian Biblical Cambodian Celtic Chinese Contemporary Cornish Czech Czechoslovakian Danish Dutch Egyptian English Farsi Finnish Flemish French Gaelic German Greek Gypsy Hawaiian Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indian Irish Israeli Italian Japanese Korean Latin Lithuanian Maori Muslim NativeAmerican Norse Persian Phoenician Polish Polynesian Portuguese Roman Rumanian Russian Sanskrit Scandinavian Scottish Shakespearean Singhalese Slavic Spanish Swedish Swiss Syrian Teutonic Thai Turkish Ukrainian Unknown Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish
Showing 631 - 665 of 1092 results. Page: 19 of 32

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
631 Heraklesr Greek Son of Zeus. M
632 Herald English One who proclaims. Also variant of Harold Army commander.'. M
633 Herald Teutonic One who proclaims. Also variant of Harold Army commander.'. M
634 Heraldo English Army commander. M
635 Heraldo Teutonic Army commander. M
636 Herb German Diminutive of Herbert: Illustrious warrior. Army. Bright. Introduced into Britain during the Norman Conquest. Famous Bearer: American president Herbert C. Hoover (1874-1964). M
637 Herbert French Illustrious warrior. M
638 Herbert German Illustrious warrior. Army. Bright. Introduced into Britain during the Norman Conquest. Famous Bearer: American president Herbert C. Hoover (1874-1964). M
639 Herbert Shakespearean 'King Henry IV, Part 1' Sir Walter Blunt. 'Henry VI, Part 2' Walter Whitmore. 'King Richard III' Sir Walter Herbert. M
640 Herbert Swedish Intelligent warrior. M
641 Herbie German Diminutive of Herbert: Illustrious warrior. Army. Bright. Introduced into Britain during the Norman Conquest. Famous Bearer: American president Herbert C. Hoover (1874-1964). M
642 Hercules Greek In Hera's service. The mythological Greek Hercules was a son of Zeus and an extraordinarily strong man. M
643 Hercules Latin Glory of Hera. Glorious Gift. Derived from the Greek name Heracles. In Greek mythology, Hercules (or Heracles) was the son of Zeus, who performed the Twelve Labours after killing his wife and children in a fit of madness. M

644 Hererinc Anglo-Saxon Hero. M
645 Heres Biblical The son; an earthen pot M
646 Heresh Biblical A carpenter M
647 Heretoga Anglo-Saxon Commander. M
648 Hereward English Derived from Old English 'Hereweard', a compound of army (here) and protection (weard).from the Old English name Hereweard. The Anglo-Saxon hero Hereward the Wake led a revolt against William the Conqueror in the 11th century. M
649 Hereweald English A compound of Army' and 'to weald power'. M
650 Herhert Teutonic Shining fighter. M
651 Heribert Teutonic Shining fighter. M
652 Heriberto Spanish Spanish form of Herbert 'shining warrior'. M
653 Heriberto Teutonic Shining fighter. M
654 Herlbert English Army strong. M
655 Herlebeorht English Army strong. M
656 Herman German Soldier. Army Man. from the Old German Hariman. Famous Bearer: American writer Herman Melville, author of Moby Dick. M
657 Herman Teutonic Warrior. M
658 Hermann Swedish Soldier. M
659 Hermann Teutonic Warrior. M
660 Hermas Biblical Mercury, gain, refuge M
661 Hermes Biblical Mercury, gain, refuge M
662 Hermes Greek Messenger of the gods. M
663 Herminius Latin A hero who saved Rome. M
664 Hermod Norse Messenger of the gods. M
665 Hermogenes Biblical Begotten of Mercury. M