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Showing 911 - 945 of 1092 results. Page: 27 of 32

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
911 Howel ArthurianLegend Killed by Arthur. M
912 Howel Welsh Variant of Hywel: Eminent. Attentive. M
913 Howell Welsh Variant of Hywel: Eminent. Attentive. M
914 Howi NativeAmerican Turtle dove (Miwok). M
915 Howie English Nichname for Howard 'noble watchman.'. M
916 Howland English From the chiefs land. M
917 Hozai Hebrew Variant of Chozai: Prophet. M
918 Hraefnscaga English From the raven forest. M
919 Hrafn Norse Son of Hrafn. M
920 Hrapenly English From the shouter's meadow. M
921 Hrapp Norse Father of Hrodgeir. M
922 Hreidmar Norse Dwarf king. M
923 Hrimfaxi Norse A mythical horse of night whose bridle drips the morning dew. M

924 Hring English Ring. M
925 Hristun English From the brushwood estate. M
926 Hroald Norse Brother of Eyvind Weapon. M
927 Hroc English Crow. M
928 Hrocby English From the crow's estate. M
929 Hrocesburh English From the crow's forest. M
930 Hrodgeir Norse Son of Hrapp. M
931 Hrolf Norse Wolf. M
932 Hrolleif Norse Old wolf. M
933 Hromund Norse Son of Thori. M
934 Hrorek Teutonic Famous ruler. M
935 Hrosskel Norse Son of Thorstein. M
936 Hrothgar Anglo-Saxon Legend name. M
937 Hrothrehr Irish Famous ruler. M
938 Hrusosky Czechoslovakian Dwells near the pear tree. M
939 Hrut Norse Son of Hejolf. M
940 Hrycg English From the ridge. M
941 Hrychleah English From the meadow's edge. M
942 Hrypa Anglo-Saxon The shouter. M
943 Hrypanleah English From the shouter's meadow. M
944 Hrytherford English From the cattle ford. M
945 Hsmilton English From the grassy estate. M