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Showing 1191 - 1225 of 1513 results. Page: 35 of 44

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1191 Moketaveto NativeAmerican Black kettle (Cheyenne). M
1192 Moketoveto NativeAmerican Black kettle (Cheyenne). M
1193 Moki NativeAmerican Deer (Hopi). M
1194 Mokovaoto NativeAmerican Black kettle (Cheyenne). M
1195 Moladah Biblical Birth, generation. M
1196 Molan Irish Servant of the storm. M
1197 Molech Biblical King M
1198 Molid Biblical Nativity, generation. M
1199 Molimo NativeAmerican Bear walking into shade (Miwok). M
1200 Molli Irish From the Gaelic Maili which is a pet form of Mary 'bitter.'. M
1201 Molloy Irish Noble chief. M
1202 Molner Czechoslovakian Miller. M
1203 Moloch Biblical King M

1204 Momus Greek God of ridicule. M
1205 Mona NativeAmerican Gathers jimson weed seed (Miwok). M
1206 Moncreiffe Scottish From the hill of the sacred bough. M
1207 Moneta Latin Admonishes. M
1208 Mongwau NativeAmerican Owl (Hopi). M
1209 Monohan Irish Monk. M
1210 Monroe Gaelic From the red swamp. M
1211 Monroe Latin From the red marsh. M
1212 Monroe Scottish From the river's mouth. M
1213 Montae Italian Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery. M
1214 Montae Spanish Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery. M
1215 Montagu French Variant of Montague: Pointed hill. Steep mountain. More commonly found as a surname, although used occasionally as a first name. M
1216 Montague French Pointed hill. Steep mountain. More commonly found as a surname, although used occasionally as a first name. M
1217 Montague Latin From the peaked mountain. M
1218 Montague Shakespearean 'King Henry the Sixth, Part III' Marquis of Montague. 'The Tragedy of Romeo And Juliet' Romeo's father, Head of the Montague house, at variance with the Capulets. M
1219 Montaigu French From the pointed hill. M
1220 Montaine French Mountain. M
1221 Montana Latin Mountain. State of Montana USA. M
1222 Montano Shakespearean 'The Tragedy of Othello' A Cypriot official. M
1223 Montaro Japanese Big boy. M
1224 Montay Italian Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery. M
1225 Montay Spanish Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery. M