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Showing 491 - 525 of 757 results. Page: 15 of 22

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
491 Philologus Biblical A lover of letters, or of the word. M
492 Philostrate Shakespearean A Midsummer Night's Dream' Master of the Revels to Theseus. M
493 Philotus Shakespearean 'The Life of Timon of Athens' Timon's servant. M
494 Phineas Greek Mouth of brass. M
495 Phineas Hebrew Oracle. One of the two sons of the priest Eli in the Old Testament. M
496 Phinees Greek Mouth of brass. M
497 Phinehas Biblical Bold aspect, face of trust or protection. M
498 Phinehas Hebrew Variant of Phineas: Oracle. One of the two sons of the priest Eli in the Old Testament. M
499 Phineus Greek Mouth of brass. M
500 Phlegethon Greek River of fire. M
501 Phlegon Biblical Zealous, burning. M
502 Phoebus Latin Shining. M
503 Phoenicia Biblical Red, purple. M

504 Phoenix Greek A bird that built its own pyre and then was reborn from the ashes. M
505 Phorcys Greek A sea god. M
506 Phrixus Greek Son of Nephele. M
507 Phygellus Biblical Fugitive. M
508 Phylacteries Biblical Things to be especially observed. M
509 Phylo Greek Friend. M
510 Pi-hahiroth Biblical The mouth, the pass of Hiroth. M
511 Piaras Gaelic Rock. M
512 Piaras Greek Rock. M
513 Piarres Greek Rock. M
514 Picaworth English From the woodcutter's estate. M
515 Picford English From the woodcutter's ford. M
516 Pickford English From the woodcutter's ford. M
517 Pickworth English From the woodcutter's estate. M
518 Picus Latin Father of Faunus. M
519 Pierce Anglo-Saxon Rock. M
520 Pierce English Rock. M
521 Pierce Irish Form of Piers from Peter. M
522 Pierce Shakespearean 'King Richard The Second' Sir Pierce of Exton. M
523 Piero Greek Rock. M
524 Piero Italian Italian form of Peter 'rock'. M
525 Pierpont French Lives by the stone bridge. M