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Showing 736 - 770 of 1083 results. Page: 22 of 31

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
736 Torborg Swedish Thunder bear. M
737 Tore Swedish God of thunder. M
738 Torean Irish Variant of Torrence: from the craggy hills. M
739 Torean Scottish Variant of Torrence 'From the craggy hills.' Tor is a name for a craggy hilltop and also may refer to a watchtower. M
740 Toren Irish Variant of Torrence: from the craggy hills. M
741 Toren Scottish Variant of Torrence 'From the craggy hills.' Tor is a name for a craggy hilltop and also may refer to a watchtower. M
742 Torence Irish Variant of Torrence: from the craggy hills. M
743 Torence Scottish Variant of Torrence 'From the craggy hills.' Tor is a name for a craggy hilltop and also may refer to a watchtower. M
744 Torey English From the craggy hills. M
745 Torey Irish From the craggy hills. M
746 Torey Scottish From the craggy hills. M
747 Torgeir Norse Spear of Thor. M
748 Torger Norse Spear of Thor. M

749 Torgny Norse Damor of weapons. M
750 Torgny Swedish Thor's loud weapon. M
751 Torht Anglo-Saxon Bright. M
752 Torhte Anglo-Saxon Bright. M
753 Torin Irish Chief. Variant of Torrence: from the craggy hills. M
754 Torin Scottish Variant of Torrence 'From the craggy hills.' Tor is a name for a craggy hilltop and also may refer to a watchtower. M
755 Torio Japanese Bird's tail. M
756 Torion Irish Variant of Torrence: from the craggy hills. M
757 Torion Scottish Variant of Torrence 'From the craggy hills.' Tor is a name for a craggy hilltop and also may refer to a watchtower. M
758 Torkel Swedish Thor's kettle. M
759 Torkel Teutonic From Thor's cauldron. M
760 Torley English From Thor's meadow. M
761 Tormaigh Irish Thunder spirit. M
762 Tormey Irish Thunder spirit. M
763 Tormod Gaelic From the north. M
764 Tormod Teutonic From the north. M
765 Torn English From the thom tree. M
766 Toro Spanish Bull-like. The constellation Taurus. M
767 Torquil Norse Thor's cauldron. M
768 Torquil Teutonic From Thor's cauldron. M
769 Torr Anglo-Saxon Tower. M
770 Torr English Tower. M