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Showing 1961 - 1995 of 2210 results. Page: 57 of 64

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1961 Athaleyah Hebrew Lioness of God. F
1962 Athalia Hebrew God is great. F
1963 Athalia Spanish Guardtower. F
1964 Athaliah Biblical The time of the Lord. F
1965 Athalie Hebrew God is great. F
1966 Athanasia Greek Immortal. F
1967 Athdara Irish From the ford at the oak tree. F
1968 Athdara Scottish From the oak tree ford. F
1969 Athena Greek Goddess of wisdom. F
1970 Athena Latin Variant of Athene; the mythological goddess of wisdom and war. F
1971 Athene Greek Athene was the goddess of war and wisdom, after whom the city Athens was named. F
1972 Athene Latin Mythological goddess of wisdom and war. F
1973 Athilda English At the elder tree. F

1974 Athracht Irish Name of a saint. F
1975 Atia Arabic Ancient. F
1976 Atifa Muslim Affection. Sympathy.. F
1977 Atilda English At the elder tree. F
1978 Atira Hebrew Pray. F
1979 Atiya Arabic Gift. F
1980 Atiya Muslim Gift. Present[See Muslim Names in Help file for usage guidelines]. F
1981 Atiyya Muslim Variant of Atiya: Gift. Present[See Muslim Names in Help file for usage guidelines]. F
1982 Atlanta Greek A huntress. F
1983 Atonia Hebrew Strong as an oak. F
1984 Atoofa Muslim Variant of Atufa: Kind. Merciful.. F
1985 Atropes Greek A Fate. F
1986 Atropos Latin One of the Moirae. F
1987 Attheaeldre English At the elder tree. F
1988 Atthis Latin From Attica. F
1989 Attica Latin From Attica. F
1990 Attracta Irish Name of a saint. F
1991 Attracta Latin Drawn to. F
1992 Atufa Muslim Kind. Merciful.. F
1993 Atun Muslim Educator. Teacheress.. F
1994 Auberta French Feminine variant of Albert. F
1995 Auberta Teutonic Intelligent. F