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African African-American Anglo-Saxon Arabic Aramaic Armenian ArthurianLegend Asian Assyrian Australian Basque Bavarian Biblical Cambodian Celtic Chinese Contemporary Cornish Czech Czechoslovakian Danish Dutch Egyptian English Farsi Finnish Flemish French Gaelic German Greek Gypsy Hawaiian Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indian Irish Israeli Italian Japanese Korean Latin Lithuanian Maori Muslim NativeAmerican Norse Persian Phoenician Polish Polynesian Portuguese Roman Rumanian Russian Sanskrit Scandinavian Scottish Shakespearean Singhalese Slavic Spanish Swedish Swiss Syrian Teutonic Thai Turkish Ukrainian Unknown Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish
Showing 526 - 560 of 834 results. Page: 16 of 24

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
526 Bletsung English Consecrated. F
527 Bliss Anglo-Saxon Happy. F
528 Bliss English Joy. Cheer. F
529 Blisse English Joy. Cheer. F
530 Blithe English Cheerful. F
531 Bliths English Joy. F
532 Blix Swedish 'Joy; cheer. F
533 Blodwen Welsh White flower. F
534 Blodwyn Welsh White flower. F
535 Blondell English Fair-haired; blonde. Variant of the Spanish Blandina meaning flattering. F
536 Blondell French Fair-haired; blonde. Variant of the Spanish Blandina meaning flattering. F
537 Blondelle English Fair-haired; blonde. Variant of the Spanish Blandina meaning flattering. F
538 Blondelle French Fair-haired; blonde. Variant of the Spanish Blandina meaning flattering. F

539 Blondene English Fair-haired; blonde. Variant of the Spanish Blandina meaning flattering. F
540 Blondene French Fair-haired; blonde. Variant of the Spanish Blandina meaning flattering. F
541 Blossom English Fresh. F
542 Blostm English Fresh. F
543 Bluinse Irish White. F
544 Bly NativeAmerican Tall. F
545 Blyana Irish Strong. F
546 Blyss English Joy. Cheer. F
547 Blysse English Joy. Cheer. F
548 Blythe Anglo-Saxon Happy. F
549 Blythe English Blithe; lighthearted; cheerful. F
550 Bo Chinese Precious. F
551 Bo English Nickname made popular by actress Bo Derek. F
552 Bo Scandinavian Nickname made popular by actress Bo Derek. F
553 Boadicea Anglo-Saxon A queen of the Iceni: Victory. F
554 Bobbi English Modern diminutive of Roberta and Barbara. F
555 Bobbie English Diminutive of Barbara: From the Greek barbaros meaning foreign or strange, traveler from a foreign land. In Catholic custom St. Barbara is a protectress against fire and lightning. F
556 Bochim Biblical The place of weeping, or of mulberry-trees. F
557 Bodgana Polish Gift of God. F
558 Bodiccea Anglo-Saxon A queen of the Iceni: Victory. F
559 Bodicea Anglo-Saxon A queen of the Iceni: Victory. F
560 Bodicia Anglo-Saxon A queen of the Iceni: Victory. F