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African African-American Anglo-Saxon Arabic Aramaic Armenian ArthurianLegend Asian Assyrian Australian Basque Bavarian Biblical Cambodian Celtic Chinese Contemporary Cornish Czech Czechoslovakian Danish Dutch Egyptian English Farsi Finnish Flemish French Gaelic German Greek Gypsy Hawaiian Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indian Irish Israeli Italian Japanese Korean Latin Lithuanian Maori Muslim NativeAmerican Norse Persian Phoenician Polish Polynesian Portuguese Roman Rumanian Russian Sanskrit Scandinavian Scottish Shakespearean Singhalese Slavic Spanish Swedish Swiss Syrian Teutonic Thai Turkish Ukrainian Unknown Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish
Showing 316 - 350 of 577 results. Page: 10 of 17

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
316 Henriette Teutonic Ruler of the home. F
317 Henrika Greek Mistress of the hearth. F
318 Henrika Swedish Feminine form of Henry: rules the home. F
319 Henrika Teutonic Ruler of the home. F
320 Henriqua Spanish Feminine form of Henrique: rules the home. F
321 Henuita Teutonic Ruler of the home. F
322 Henuite Teutonic Ruler of the home. F
323 Hephzibah Biblical My delight is in her F
324 Hephzibah Hebrew She is my delight. F
325 Hepsey Hebrew Diminutive of Hephzibah: My delight is in her. F
326 Hepsiba Hebrew She is my delight. F
327 Hepsie Hebrew Diminutive of Hephzibah: My delight is in her. F
328 Hepsy Hebrew Diminutive of Hephzibah: My delight is in her. F

329 Hepzibah Hebrew Variant of Hephzibah: My delight is in her. F
330 Hepzibeth Hebrew She is my delight. F
331 Heqet Egyptian Mythical frog headed goddess. F
332 Hera Greek Hera: (the Roman Juno) was the mythological Greek Queen of Heaven and wife of Zeus. Dealing with her husband's infidelities she came to be called the goddess of marriages. F
333 Herdis Norse Bolli's daughter. F
334 Here Greek Wife of Zeus. F
335 Hermandina Greek Well born. F
336 Hermandine Greek Well born. F
337 Hermia Greek Well born. Stone. Feminine form of Hermes. A character in Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream'. F
338 Hermia Shakespearean A Midsummer Night's Dream' Daughter to Egeus, in love with Lysander. F
339 Herminia Latin Feminine of Herman. F
340 Hermione Greek Well born. Stone. Feminine name derived from Hermes. In Greek mythology, Hermione was the daughter of King Menelaus of Sparta and Helen of Troy. F
341 Hermione Shakespearean 'The Winter's Tale' Queen to Leontes. F
342 Hermip Latin Daughter of Boeotus. F
343 Hermogenes Biblical Begotten of Mercury. F
344 Hermon Biblical Anathema, devoted to destruction. F
345 Hermosa Spanish Beautiful. F
346 Hero Greek Priestess of Aphrodite. F
347 Hero Latin Daughter of Priam. F
348 Hero Shakespearean 'Much Ado About Nothing' Daughter to Leonato. F
349 Herodion Biblical The song of Juno. F
350 Herophile Latin Priestess of Apollo. F