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Showing 246 - 280 of 577 results. Page: 8 of 17

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
246 Hege Biblical Meditation, word, groaning, separation. F
247 Hehe Greek Goddess of youthful beauty. F
248 Hehet Egyptian Goddess of the immeasurable. F
249 Hehewuti NativeAmerican Warrior mother spirit (Hopi). F
250 Heida German Noble. F
251 Heide German Little Miss. Abbreviation of Adelheid. F
252 Heide Swiss Little Miss. Abbreviation of Adelheid. F
253 Heidi French Variant of Adelaide: Nobility. French form of the Old German Adalheidis, a compound of 'athal' (noble) and 'haida' (hood). Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, was named after Queen Adelaide, 19th century King William IV's consort. F
254 Heidi German Noble. The German form of Adelaide. Famous bearer: heroine of Johanna Spyri's classic children's novel 'Heidi'. F
255 Heidrun Norse The goat who supplies mead for the gods. F
256 Hekuba Greek Mother of Paris and Hector. F
257 Hel Norse Goddess of the underworld. F
258 Hela Norse Goddess of the underworld. F

259 Helaine French Variant of Helen. In mythology the abduction of Zeus's mortal daughter Helen sparked the Trojan War. F
260 Helam Biblical Their army, their trouble. F
261 Helbah Biblical Milk, fatness. F
262 Helbon Biblical Milk, fatness. F
263 Helen Greek Shining light. The bright one. Helen of Troy, whose elopement with Paris sparked the Trojan War, was the daughter of Zeus and wife of Menelaus, King of Sparta. F
264 Helen Latin Most beautiful woman in the world. F
265 Helen Shakespearean 'Cymbeline' A lady attending on Imogen. 'The History of Troilus and Cressida' Wife to Menelaus. F
266 Helena English Variant of Helen. In mythology the abduction of Zeus's mortal daughter Helen sparked the Trojan War. F
267 Helena Greek Variant of Helen: Shining light. The bright one. F
268 Helena Shakespearean All's Well That Ends Well.' A gentlewoman protected by the Countess of Rousillon. A Midsummer Night's Dream' In love with Demetrius. F
269 Helena Swedish Light. F
270 Helene French Variant of Helen. In mythology the abduction of Zeus's mortal daughter Helen sparked the Trojan War. F
271 Helene German German form of Helen. F
272 Helene Greek Variant of Helen: Shining light. The bright one. F
273 Helenka Greek Light. F
274 Helenka Russian Light. F
275 Heleph Biblical Changing, passing over. F
276 Helewidis German An Old German name meaning hale and wide. F
277 Helewise English A variant of the Old German name Helewidis, meaning hale and wide. F
278 Helga German Pious. F
279 Helga Norse Holy. F
280 Helga Russian Holy. F