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Showing 211 - 245 of 389 results. Page: 7 of 12

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
211 Invidia Latin Envious. F
212 Inyx Latin Spell. F
213 Iola Greek Violet-colored dawn. Sister of Iphitus. F
214 Iola Welsh Valued by the Lord. Feminine form of Iolo: Diminutive of Iorwerth. F
215 Iolana Hawaiian To soar like the hawk. F
216 Iolantha Greek Violet. F
217 Iolanthe Greek Violet flower. The name of a Gilbert and Sullivan Opera from 1882. Also a mythological sea nymph and daughter of Oceanus. F
218 Iole Greek Sister of Iphitus. F
219 Iona Celtic From the king's island. F
220 Iona English Violet. F
221 Iona Greek Violet, from the Greek word 'ion'. Amethyst. F
222 Iona Scottish Dove. Also the name of a Scottish island. F
223 Ionanna Hebrew Grace. F

224 Ione Celtic From the king's island. F
225 Ione Greek Amethyst. Violet. F
226 Ionessa Greek Amethyst. F
227 Ionia Greek Amethyst. F
228 Ionna Ukrainian God's gift. F
229 Iora Greek Pure. F
230 Iphedeiah Biblical Redemption of the Lord. F
231 Iphegenia Greek Daughter sacrificed by Agamemnon. F
232 Iphimedeia Latin Daughter of Triopas. F
233 Iphinome Latin Amazon. F
234 Iram Muslim Heaven. Garden.. F
235 Iras Shakespearean Antony and Cleopatra'. Lady attending on Cleopatra. F
236 Iratze Spanish Reference to the Virgin Mary. F
237 Irayna Greek Peace. Greek goddess of peace. F
238 Irena Greek Peace. F
239 Irena Russian Peace. F
240 Irene Greek Peace. An early Christian martyr, and later borne by several Byzantine empresses. F
241 Irene Spanish Peace. F
242 Irenke Hungarian Peaceful. F
243 Iriana Greek Peace. Greek goddess of peace. F
244 Irina Greek Peace. F
245 Irina Russian Peace. F