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Showing 211 - 245 of 1006 results. Page: 7 of 29

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
211 Laurina Latin Variant of Laura: Laurel tree or sweet bay tree (symbols of honour and victory). F
212 Laurinda Spanish The laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory. F
213 Laurissa Latin Laurel. F
214 Laurita Spanish The laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory. F
215 Laurlnda Latin Variant of Laura: Laurel tree or sweet bay tree (symbols of honour and victory). F
216 Lauryn English From Laurentium; the place of the laurel trees; place of honor and victory. Feminine of Lawrence. F
217 Lauryn Latin Laurel; From Laurentium; the place of the laurel trees; place of honor and victory. Feminine of Lawrence. F
218 Lausanne ArthurianLegend Lake Geneva. F
219 Lavare Latin Purified. F
220 Laveda Latin Purified. F
221 Lavena Celtic Joy. F
222 Lavena Latin Variant of Lavinia: In classical mythology, Lavinia was the daughter of King Latinus and the wife of Trojan hero Aeneas, who named the city Lavinium in her honour. F
223 Lavern French Woodland. F

224 Laverna French Born in the spring. F
225 Laverne English The goddess of thieves in ancient Italian lore. F
226 Laverne French Woodland. F
227 Lavernia French Born in the spring. F
228 Lavetta Latin Purified. F
229 Lavette Latin Purified. F
230 Lavina Latin Variant of Lavinia: In classical mythology, Lavinia was the daughter of King Latinus and the wife of Trojan hero Aeneas, who named the city Lavinium in her honour. F
231 Lavina Spanish Derived from the Roman given name Levinia. F
232 Lavinia Latin In classical mythology, Lavinia was the daughter of King Latinus and the wife of Trojan hero Aeneas, who named the city Lavinium in her honour. F
233 Lavinia Shakespearean 'The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus' Daughter to Titus Andronicus. F
234 Lavinia Spanish Derived from the Roman given name Levinia. F
235 Lavra Latin Laurel. F
236 Lavra Ukrainian Laurel. F
237 LaVyrle English Famous bearer: bestselling romance lovelist LaVyrle Spencer. Origin unknown. May be a derivative of the French Laverna, meaning born in the spring. F
238 Lawena Latin Laurel. F
239 Laycie English Derived from Lacey which is a French Nobleman's surname brought to British Isles after Norman conquest. F
240 Laycie French Derived from 'Lacey' which is a French Nobleman's surname brought to British Isles after Norman conquest. F
241 Layla Egyptian Born at night. F
242 Layla Muslim Night. Born at night. Sweetheart.. F
243 Layla Persian Variant of Leila: Dark. Born at night. F
244 Layla Sanskrit Born at night. F
245 Laylah Sanskrit Born at night. F