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Showing 456 - 490 of 6705 results. Page: 14 of 192

Browse all English girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
456 Athelward English Noble protector. M
457 Athemar English Noble or famous. M
458 Atherton English From the town by a spring. M
459 Athilda English At the elder tree. F
460 Athmarr English Noble or famous. M
461 Athmore English From the moor. M
462 Atilda English At the elder tree. F
463 Atkinson English Son of Aiken. M
464 Atkinsone English Son of Aiken. M
465 Atlea English Variant of Atley: From the meadow. M
466 Atleigh English Variant of Atley: From the meadow. M
467 Atley English From the meadow. M
468 Atmore English From the moor. M

469 Attewater English From the waterside. M
470 Attewell English Lives by the spring. M
471 Attewode English Lives in the forest. M
472 Atteworthe English Lives at the farmstead. M
473 Attheaeldre English At the elder tree. F
474 Attkins English Son of Aiken. M
475 Attlee English Variant of Atley: From the meadow. M
476 Attleigh English Variant of Atley: From the meadow. M
477 Attley English Variant of Atley: From the meadow. M
478 Attmore English From the moor. M
479 Attwell English Lives by the spring. M
480 Atwater English From the waterside. M
481 Atwell English Lives by the spring/well. M
482 Atwood English Lives in the forest. M
483 Atworth English Lives at the farmstead. M
484 Auberon English Variant of Aubrey: Rules with elf-wisdom. Introduced into Britain from France by Aubrey de Vere, a friend of William the Conquerer. De Vere's grandson became the Earl of Oxford. M
485 Aubree English Rules with elf-wisdom. F
486 Aubrey English Rules with elf-wisdom. F
487 Aubrey English Rules with elf-wisdom. Introduced into Britain from France by Aubrey de Vere, a friend of William the Conquerer. De Vere's grandson became the Earl of Oxford. M
488 Aubriana English Rules with elf-wisdom. F
489 Aubrianne English Rules with elf-wisdom. F
490 Aubrie English Rules with elf-wisdom. F